Here I would like to introduce the idea of different Safe Havens the LORD commanded me to build since 2010.
We call them Societies of the Rose and they are Assemblies or Wells of Righteousness which can be established in all Nations and Towns. The Idea behind it is to come out of the World and our standard Churches and to come together in Love, Unity and Support.
These Societies shall not exceed 50 members because one of the main points is Equality in all decisions. If a Society reaches more than 50 members then a new additional Society of the Rose should be established. Each Society will be led by two members (preferable a man and a woman) but remember all members are equal and these two are more elders than leaders.
The aim of each Society is to come together in Spirit and Truth, support one another, help the needy in their neighborhood and have at least one day where all share a Love Meal together. Usually it is the Thursday when we gather for the meal to honor our LORD Jesus Christ. Before we share the food the elders will lead the prayers and share a lesson or teaching to encourage the assembly.
The members of the Society will come together daily to share their resources, love and support for one another and will select daily one righteous project to help the needy in their area. Project files will be prepared from each member about cases that need support in their neighborhood and all members will decide together which one has the highest priority and will be selected for assistance each day.
For the members the Societies of the Rose are offering a wide range of benefits next to the prayer meetings, love meals and coming together. I will explain these benefits in my next post in this thread.
Triple Grace has a website where we train future elders of Societies of the Rose in how to lead and establish such an Assembly in their Neighborhood:
Just sign up at our website. It is completely free and use our resources to encourage other people to come together and share the Love of GOD with one another and the needy in your area.
Please also have a look at our Daily prophetic words that we are called to put forth:
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
These teaching series will be continued shortly ....

The Oppression is ending - Coming out of Egypt but not empty handed!
It is time to repent and to turn back to GOD, the Father. Rest in him alone and do not rely anymore on the World!
Be liberated from the voluntary slavery we have accepted for far too long. Enter your places of safety prepared for you by the LORD. Separate yourself from the darkness that covers the Earth.
Liberate yourself from the system that is oppressing you. Where you are not equal, where you can not decide in Unity and where you have to follow one leader. This includes all governments and all churches.
You are called out to be free. Free from the slavery that you have voluntarily accepted. The money thinking, the career thinking and the political thinking. The LORD wants to set you free from these "Landlords" who are dictating your Life.
Enter your place of safety, come together in Equality, support one another, decide together, turn your heart to the Father, love your neighbors and be separated from the Oppressors.
Place your Faith and Trust in GOD alone. He is your Father forever and your are His Son. He will provide for you shelter, food and protection. You do not need any other help. Come out of the World and rest in the LORD, your GOD!
The Societies of the Rose are places of safety where you will act as Jesus did, as true Son of GOD, in the world but outside of the system without dependencies, without compromises and without fear and worries. Worshiping GOD the Father and trusting completely in His ways. Liberated from a system that hold you as slaves for a few rich people and that forces you to tolerate evil in the name of freedom.
The LORD is liberating you from any evil and shows you a way into the promised land where you will live with HIM in paradise. The door is opened for you and you just have to step through it. The Societies of the Rose are open to anybody no matter of color, nationality, denomination or language.
You have a choice! Stay in slavery or trust GOD completely by entering his places of safety. The LORD is calling you out to become a true Son of GOD!
It is your time to repent and to turn your heart to GOD, the Father:
Triple Grace
The White Rider - All believers who walk like Jesus will conquer the World!
They will be seen as Jesus when he walked the Earth. They will look through his eyes, have his heart and will do his righteous acts.
They will be the true Sons of GOD!
The White Rider of Revelation 6 is a copy and forerunner of the White Rider of Revelation 19 which is the second coming of Jesus. The believers who are walking as Jesus did in Love, Unity and Support are the Dress Rehearsal of the Kingdom of GOD that is coming in the Millennium:
These are not Church goers who believe in Jesus nor are they bible students or prayer warriors. These are true Sons of GOD who have come out of the World as Jesus did, who teach the Gospel of the Kingdom as Jesus did, who do Acts of Loving-Kindness as Jesus did, who lift up the meek and suffering as Jesus did, who trust GOD the Father for shelter, food and protection as Jesus did and who look at the world through the eyes of Jesus and have the heart of Jesus.
They are the Chosen ones, the Light in the Darkness, the Ensign to all Nations and the Glory of GOD on Earth.
It requires full commitment to their destiny, daily acts of loving-kindness, coming together each day, supporting the needy always and turning their hearts over to GOD, the Father.
They are the example of the coming Kingdom, how believers will live when Jesus has come again onto the Earth and when he will rule as King from Jerusalem.
"When the Enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him!" (Isaiah 59:19)
The White Rider is this standard of Righteousness raised against the darkness that covers the Earth. The true Sons of GOD established in the Spirit of the White Rider will overcome and conquer the World, Babylon, Death and Satan. They will be assisted by the Spirits of the Saints of Old who are the former rain and the true Sons are the latter rain. Both together will overcome Death and Hades as Jesus did.
Are you ready to conquer the Nations and to commit yourself fully to GOD, the Father as a true Son?
Join us, come together in a Community of Friends and build Societies of the Rose in all Nations as true Sons of GOD:
Become the standard of the LORD against the Enemy!
Triple Grace
What are you waiting for?
Are you waiting for the rapture? Are you waiting for an incorruptible body with super powers? Or are you waiting for a bridegroom to catch you away?
What are you waiting for? Now, is the time to act, to go forth into the Nations, to be the Light in the Darkness. Do not wait but act!
The LORD has opened for you a door to walk through onto a new path that is leading you direct into His arms and the Kingdom. You only have to stop waiting and to step over the threshold into your new way of living.
What are you waiting for when GOD has laid all at your feet. Do not be like the Jews who expected a Messiah as a warrior to fight against Rome when Jesus was already in their midst and showing them a way out of Rome.
Most people are waiting for a rapture when they have not even opened the door to their destiny yet. You are called forth to stand for GOD separated from the World as an example for the LORD in Love, Unity and Support with the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. Have you done this yet??
Are you really a bride without spot and wrinkle? Ready to be harvested? You have not tasted the freedom of GOD yet and you have not separated yourself from the world. The Churches are not your Destiny!!
Have you given your heart completely over to GOD, the Father? Or do you still look for security in the world? Are you doing GOD's work or your own work every day?
You want an incorruptible body when your mind is still corrupt - You want super powers to bring forth miracles for others when you can not even handle your own life!
What is your destiny?
Ask the LORD to show you your destiny. He will show you the purpose for your Life. It is direct in front of you and you just have to take that small step towards it.
What are you waiting for? Embrace the Father and your destiny now. Act as Jesus, love your neighbors and trust GOD the Father completely. Come together in Love, Unity and Support and turn your back to the World and your daily routines.
A new way of living is awaiting you in a Community of Friends, doing daily acts of loving-kindness, praising the LORD, sharing your resources, lifting up the needy and walking as Jesus did. Being complete in GOD, receiving your new incorruptible body and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
This can not be achieved in traditional Churches but requires that you step out onto the new path within a Community that serves the LORD daily and not once a week, that separates themselves from the world and that is being an example of Love and Righteousness.
What are you waiting for? You can be part of such assemblies right now and you will fulfill your destiny in the LORD. Do not belong to the believers who are sitting and waiting for something that has already arrived.
Act today and be part of the new way of living. Receive the blessings of our Father, GOD Almighty, by turning your heart over to HIM and trust HIM with your whole life:
The LORD is calling you out of the World and the Churches towards HIMSELF as true Sons and Daughters of GOD:
What are you waiting for? Join us today and be part of the new thing the LORD is forming!
Triple Grace
Triple Grace - A new way of living!
Away from mind centered living that includes temptations, greed, egoism, self-centeredness, career building and backstabbing towards heart centered living that is based on empathy, compassion and love.
Turning your heart towards the Father - GOD, the Father and laying your heart at his feet. Taking on a childlike Spirit and Trust that GOD will provide shelter, food and protection so that we can concentrate on bringing forth the Kingdom on Earth.
Giving up the worldly desires and instead choosing the Holy Place of the Father.
Do not be a doubting Thomas but embrace the new path - your new way of living - as true Sons and Daughters of GOD. Become like a Child and have full faith and trust in the Father.
The time has come when GOD is making everything new. Jesus is coming for His bride. Are you ready?
Have you gathered for the harvest, have you given up all worldly things, have you turned your heart to the Father? Come together in Love, Unity and Support.
There is no other path that leads to the Father than by becoming His children and by walking as Jesus did on Earth.
The new way will transfigure your old corruptible flesh into the new incorruptible body and your heart will be turned into the heavenly tabernacle. You will become a bride without spot or wrinkle. Ready for the LORD!
Turn your childlike hearts to the Father in full Trust and Faith - Walk the new path in HIS Glory!
Gather together as the true Sons and Daughters of GOD:
Triple Grace
Turn your heart to the Father - Complete Freedom
Become a true Son of GOD, have childlike faith in the LORD and you will be set free. A child has complete trust in his father that he will provide shelter, food and protection.
Do not have your trust in the World!
Be a child of GOD and turn your heart to the Father. Jesus himself walked in this childlike faith and trust towards his Father. He never asked for worldly things because he knew that all will be taken care of by his Father.
Come out of the world and walk as Jesus did. Build your Community of Friends, operate daily in your neighborhood and take on the childlike faith that Jesus has shown us.
Trust in GOD, the Father alone and set yourself free from any bondage towards the World. Receive complete freedom by turning your heart towards the Father.
Become a true Son and Daughter of GOD!
This goes far beyond the church services on Sunday, the prayer meetings, the bible studies. It is a complete new way of living in the way Jesus walked on Earth, filled with the Holy Spirit that is guiding you and the protection of our Father in all ways.
Only this new path will set you free and will give you complete Freedom!
Turn your heart to the Father and receive His blessings each day.
Triple Grace
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
The Sons and Daughters of GOD:
Prophetic Word for the 24th of September 2018 - The Sons of Thunder!
I see 2 apostles, John and James, waiting at a narrow road. From a distance a rider on a white horse is approaching. He dismounts from his horse and the two apostles lay their hands on him.
The rider's appearance changes and he is transfigured into a glowing light. A beam of power is going forth from him. He seems ready to conquer the world.
The rider in his new body mounts the white horse and rides towards the horizon. The 2 apostles have disappeared and are nowhere to be seen.
The LORD says: "I am sending my Sons of Thunder in the spirit of Elijah and Moses to strengthen my White Rider to conquer the Nations in Truth and Righteousness."
"I promised you that Elijah will come to restore all things and he will supplant in grace. When his mission is completed my two witnesses will appear again."
The first seal is opened and the White Rider is going forth to establish Righteousness on Earth filled with the power and spirit of the Sons of Thunder.
The Spirit of the Sons of Thunder has come to our World!
Triple Grace
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
The next Level:
Societies of the Rose - Freedom within Structure!
The Safe Havens of Triple Grace are the bulwark, the fortress of the LORD, the structure of the coming Kingdom. They are not places of enforcement, conversions, doctrines or rules but you have total Freedom within Structure.
There will be no ruler who enforces laws on his subjects instead you will find equality and freedom to come and go as you wish. Similar to our King (JESUS) who will rule the coming Kingdom through Freedom within structure and all will be invited but you have a choice (free will) to follow the call.
You qualify for the assemblies not by following rules, knowledge, money or properties but you qualify by example and your heart. Showing forth the example of Love towards the needy and having the heart of Jesus. Walking as Jesus did when he was on Earth for Kingdom purposes.
Freedom within a structure that operates independent from the world and their temptations as a Safe Haven for the LORD. Cutting dependencies, avoiding compromises, support for one another and a helping hand are giving you the Freedom within the structure.
Societies of the Rose are the Dress Rehearsal of the coming Kingdom where true believers can learn the new way and how to interact with people worldwide in the Millennium!
Freedom within Structure - It is your Choice!
Triple Grace
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
Do you see the Vision behind Triple Grace?
Do you understand what the Societies of the Rose concept stands for?
How Love, Unity and Support would not only change the current church structure but also will turn the World upside down?
That it would free you from dependencies of the world, from worries and fears, giving you the security of a community, a helping hand in times of calamities and struggle, a new life path with loving true believers, a way to show forth the light of the LORD, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom to all Nations and acting daily on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
It is a Vision of thousands of assemblies of righteousness worldwide that are bound together by the Love of GOD and that are working locally for Kingdom purposes as a Unity of true faith filled with the latter rain.
Assemblies that fulfill the commandments given by GOD, the Father and Jesus Christ by being the Light in the Darkness and an example to the whole Earth of the coming Kingdom.
They are the restoration of true commitment to GOD, daily active service towards the needy and walking as the first christian assemblies did in a Community of Friends.
A Union of the Sons and Daughters of GOD filled with the Spirit of old Saints, standing tall for the LORD in a fallen world, calling out the elected ones from Babylon and restoring the places of desolation by rebuilding the Altar of Faith!
Can you identify yourself with our Vision? Any true believer in our LORD should follow these goals of righteousness in their lives.
You can be part of the restoration of all things. Join us, sign up, get in contact with us, build your team, establish your Society of the Rose, support our Mission, spread the news through Social Media and become our Patron, a Patron of the move of our LORD JESUS CHRIST:
Become a Patron and help us to go into all Nations to restore the Altar of Faith in the LORD:
Don't be afraid of a new beginning, we all have come a long way, stayed a long time in the wilderness getting refined by GOD but now you are ready to stand up and to walk tall in complete Spirit and Truth to be the LIGHT in the Darkness.
Make our Vision your Vision for the Glory of GOD!
Triple Grace
Prophetic Word for the 20th of September 2018 - The Tower!
In the distance appears a high Tower. People are gathering at the base of it and they seem to be ready to climb it.
A huge wave of water moves towards the Tower like a Tsunami that is running towards the beach. The water catches up with the people and is carrying them towards the top of the Tower.
The LORD says: "My wave of righteousness will lift up my elected ones to the top of the Tower of the Flock. Be my Shepherds for the remnant in these end times."
"Guide my remnant in the calamities that will come over the Earth. Be the Lighthouse for the Safe Havens that I will establish in all Nations!"
Migdol - the Tower of the Flock - is the platform for all future leaders of the remnant in the days of the LORD. GOD has a group of elected ones prepared to climb this Tower.
The elected group will guide the remnant assemblies in Love, Unity and Support and in Spirit and Truth.
The Tower is built and the Wave of Righteousness is coming!
Triple Grace
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
GOD's Banking:
Today at sun down we enter Yom Kippur. The day when the Gates of Heaven which were opened on Rosh Hashanah are being closed and GOD will render his judgement over each and every one of us. Either to write us in the Book of Life or to leave us in the darkness.
It is a day of sharp thoughts, true repenting, of cutting loose the unnecessary baggage we are carrying and focusing 100% on the LORD.
What is it that you want to manifest for the next year? Is it for Kingdom purposes or your own? Has it to do with Heaven or is it all about the World and your pleasure?
Are you willing to sacrifice things in your life to walk the righteous path or are you continuing a lukewarm and broad path of every day life with some church services on Sunday?
Today you have to make a decision on which side you are standing! Are you on the side of the LORD and will accept cuts and bruises on the narrow path or are you with the world, living in pleasure, where you come first and where the luxuries are?
Decide wisely!
The way of the LORD requires loving GOD above all else, loving your neighbor as yourself, lifting up the meek and poor, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom, do daily Acts of Loving-Kindness, be active even if it hurts, supporting righteous projects with your so precious money, praying earnestly and repenting in Spirit and Truth with cutting of such sins from your life forever!
This is the Day of the LORD when you are asked to make a decision between Life and Death.
Choose Life! - It has begun - The Final!
Are you a Visionary? Are you ready to change this World?
Have you realized how Societies of the Rose are bringing changes in social and religious structures?
As a Visionary for Christ you are called to help us to bring the heavenly concept of Love, Unity and Support down onto the Earth!
Imagine a World full of groups that love the LORD, share their resources, lift up the needy, wipe away the tears of the broken-hearted, support one another, spread the true Gospel of the Kingdom, do daily Acts of Loving-Kindness, come together every day, love GOD above all else and love their neighbors as themselves.
Groups clearly separated from the World, from standard Churches and from any dependency on the Babylonian system. Walking a new path of righteousness in Harmony, in Equality and filled with the latter rain poured out by the Holy Spirit.
Groups that are recognized as different from the rest of the general public, seeing as happy and content, doing charity daily, stretching forth a helping hand in the name of GOD, the Father, being a Unit of Love and Understanding, free of fears and worries, an example to the World and the Light in the Darkness.
Outsiders of the groups will inquire what the secret is of this joy and perfect harmony. They will seek to join and to learn. Such Groups are the perfect tool for the harvest of the LORD as an example and they are the dress rehearsal of the coming Kingdom.
Are you a Visionary? Do you see the signs of the time? Have you seen the potential behind the Societies of the Rose?
Have you had a look at Triple Grace yet? Joined it for free? Are you receiving the daily prophetic words through the Newsletter subscription? Are you part of the Forums?
No? Here is the link to become a Visionary:
Or do you see the enormous potential of such groups - Societies of the Rose - that we establish in the Nations and you want to be a helping hand in this mission? Then become a Patron of us here:
As a Patron you will receive updates and free resources we post regularly on Patreon plus you will be informed about anything new we plan in the future first hand before it will go forth into the World.
As a Visionary you are most welcome to join the Triple Grace Training Academy with courses for Team Building, establishing your own Society of the Rose, Elder management courses, guiding a Society of the Rose in time of trouble or becoming Head Elder for up to 20 Societies of the Rose in your neighborhood.
The courses are free but require the signing up to one of our Plans at the Training Academy:
What is this all about? Loving the LORD, sharing and caring, spreading the Gospel to all Nations, walking the path of righteousness, receiving training in bringing forth Love, Unity and Support and managing the new beautiful tents, Tabernacles, the LORD is setting up worldwide!
Be a Visionary - one of these beautiful butterflies that GOD has birthed forth from the caterpillars and be part of the life changing new move of the LORD!
Triple Grace
New Resources and a special offer at our Patreon account!
We have uploaded new resources at our Patreon account exclusively for Patrons only. Become a Patron and unlock these information.
You can also get a free access to my private forum "Call on Michael" for personal coaching, training to build your team, special advice on how to establish your own Assembly and individual answers and questions:
After you become a Patron I will send you a link to the forum and register you for the access.
Hope to see you soon in my private forum!
Triple Grace
The special Invitation above is still valid until tomorrow the 16th of September. Become a partner with a small amount of generosity and receive all benefits of our training program. It will help you to build a team and establish an Assembly of Righteousness in your neighborhood for the LORD. Be part of Triple Grace and come together in Love, Unity and Support!
Please have a look at our resources, our daily prophetic word blog, our rapture videos and our inspirational articles at our website:
And do not forget to subscribe to our newsletter so that you do not miss anything including our daily prophetic words!
Triple Grace is building Safe Havens for the LORD worldwide in all Nations to gather the true Sons and Daughters of GOD together in Love, Unity and Support. Help us in our mission and become a Patron:
Special Invitation to all people who would like to join our training program, build a team and establish an Assembly in their neighborhood:
From today 13th of September until Sunday the 16th of September we give away "Spiritual Ambassador" and "Virtual Mentor" Plans for almost free.
Become a Spiritual Ambassador at Triple Grace for a donation at Patreon of just $14.40 instead of the usual $144.00
Become a Virtual Mentor at Triple Grace for a donation at Patreon for just $33.30 instead of the usual $333.00
You will receive all advantages as outlined in our plans here:
Donate today until Sunday to receive these great plans for training and exaltation in the LORD:
My daily prophetic word of the 13th of September 2018 states that the LORD has transformed us into beautiful butterflies and tells us: "Fly, my beautiful butterflies. Fly"
Our time in the hiding place, the wilderness or the grave is over. The dead in Christ are rising today into a new life, transformed with a new body, more powerful and with more Glory than ever before.
Spread your wings, fly away from your hiding places, show your faith to the world. Become the LIGHT in the darkness. The old has passed away and the new is awaiting you. GOD is calling you forth into His gardens to spread the seed so that a great harvest can follow.
It is your time to stand separated from Babylon, the churches or false doctrines and show the world the beauty of the Love of GOD. Stand taller as you ever have been, proclaim the Glory of the LORD, come together in Love, Unity and Support!
Fly, my beautiful butterflies. Fly!
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
Why did we call our Mission to establish beautiful Tents (Assemblies - Societies of the Rose) in the World Triple Grace?
Triple Grace is 555 and we have uploaded a great Video courtesy of Diana Olivieri about the great number 5 and its meaning:
5 means to be filled, prepared and empowered to got forth. Triple Grace is supporting its members with great resources to be filled, with training to be prepared and with showing you a new path, a new life of Love, Unity and Support you will be empowered to go forth and build a beautiful tabernacle (tent) in your neighborhood for the Glory of GOD!
The Holy Spirit placed it at my heart to call it Triple Grace and over the years I have seen so many confirmations in other people's dreams and visions about the number five and even Triple Grace itself.
Join us at Triple Grace:
Even if you are not yet ready to start your own Assembly you can support our work by becoming a Patron of Triple Grace:
We appreciate any and all assistance from the elect, the remnant of the LORD, the true Sons and Daughters of GOD. Thank you!
A Story that comes from my heart:
A Girl is working with his Father and is spinning threads and ropes and all colors and designs. She turns 18 and the Father says: "It is time for us to go abroad and to find you a husband." She agrees and they go on a boat but hit a storm and everybody is lost at sea except for her.
She is washed ashore and she is captured by some slave owners and they put her up for auction and they are going to sell her. A man in the crowd thinks that he can give her a better life than if she ends up with the other men, she looks like someone who is kind and caring and I will take her in. I am going to purchase her and she can help me to make these long masts and poles and so she goes home with him and learns how to make these masts and poles.
One day when they were out on the ocean transporting these poles to be sold pirates overtook the ship and they stole her away. They taught her how to make the heavy material, the tarps to make the sails and how to mend them. And one day they hit a giant storm and everybody is lost at sea and she winds up at shore, the only survivor again.
At this point she is a little angry and she looks up to Heaven and says: "Why? No matter what you threw at me I accepted it and I worked hard on it. I made a living, I met people and I learned a skill and I was contend with my life but now here I am again, all alone ready to face some more adventures also you know that I haven't really appreciated the last one. So please stop doing this. Every time I think I get my Life in Order and control it, you just pull the carpet back underneath my feet again!"
Suddenly two warriors come walking towards her and say: "We have to take you to the Emperor." She agrees because she knows the routine from the past and says: "Okay, take me to the Emperor." The Emperor tells her that in their culture they have a tale where a woman is washed up to the beach and she makes these beautiful tents and will bring great abundance to me and my kingdom. "Can you do such a thing?"
She remembers while I have been all over the world I have seen all kind of tents. "Of course I can make it for you." The Emperor asks: "What do you need?" She says: "First I am going to need some heavy fabric" but they do not have anything that is a heavy fabric. She answers that is okay, I will show you how to make them. Away they go and make these huge tarps. Then she says: "Now I need great poles" but they do not have them either. She replied that it is okay, we will make some and she goes forth and starts making those poles. Afterwards she came back and says: "Everything is complete now I just need some ropes" but they say that they have nothing like ropes. She shows the people how to make the ropes in all beautiful colors and designs and when all is finished she takes all of her imagination and the tents she has seen and builds the most beautiful tent in all the world and these brought great abundance to the Emperor and his Kingdom.
So he calls her forth and says: "I want to thank you for all the abundance you brought to my Kingdom and to me personally. How can I thank you?" She replies: "Years ago I left my home as a bride and now I would like to be a Bride again."
The Emperor says: "You will be my Bride forever and ever!"
Even so we go through all these trials and tribulations that will bring us sorrow, tears and chaos and we do not know the purpose and how it will end up. At the end all will come together and now you are ready to serve the Emperor (GOD) and to build the most beautiful tent (Tabernacle) the world has ever seen where you can gather all people together in Love, Unity and Support (Society of the Rose)
Do you want to bring forth such beautiful tabernacles in all Nations, then join us at Triple Grace:
Or simply support our Mission to establish as many beautiful tents as possible worldwide:
Michael, I still have questions and it is hard to find some answers on your site. To see parts of your site I need to become a member or other parts are only accessible to paying members. I also see you have ranks for your members, why is that if God gave information to be shared freely? I have also watched some of the videos you have on your two YouTube channels, one video which is only a couple minutes long shows your vision for a One World Religion stating so followed by all symbols around the earth. In the Bible that is something that is not condoned as our God is a jealous & does not mingle with other gods.
Are the donations made to your nonprofit tax deductible? If so what is your EIN?
On a side note: We have published an article about the Gates of Heaven opening tonight at Rosh Hashanah at our Triple Grace Blog:
Furthermore since we are gathering the elect from all corners of the World through our Assemblies - Safe Havens - Societies of the Rose, we have opened a Patreon page for anybody who would like to support our cause:
A worldwide operation requires the help of many good souls and sharing of resources is one of the main points in the Communities of the LORD!
May GOD bless you and your Family abundantly for your Act of Loving-Kindness.
Yes, Michael, let me know what you think! What country to you live in or are from?