In reading about Chinese Christians who are not only being persecuted, but struggling with the issues of Corona virus mayhem, I was shocked to learn that some Chinese Christian congregations had relocated to Kenya for freedom of worship. This past year, God has called me to pray for the people of Africa and given me direction on specific issues and needs, Physical and Spiritual to pray for. Before that, really had not thought much about Africa, except as a violently hopeless continent. I'm wondering if God will call some of his people to other countries such as Africa to ride out the storms. We have started considering it ourselves. Peace and Blessings!
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@jaxwelsh Bible patterns have always portrayed Africa as the place of refuge ie Joseph in Egypt and Baby Yeshua to be saved from Herold' s slaughter. God's patterns are still at play so yes, Africa will be used again as a place of refuge to save the remnant in the end times. God bless