Is there anyone here living in Florida? I'm in the Panhandle area of FL. I have been stocking up on food and other supplies also waiting to see if God desires of me to relocate anywhere else. Praying, asking on if any scenario of selling home or if will need to flee at some point. Trying to hear, prepare anyway I can. The only odd thing I heard yesterday just before I was about to start dinner for myself & husband was leave now, or leave neighborhood. We have a drug house in neighborhood so was thinking oh no is it gonna blow up, so I got in car with my dog, husband was still at work so i just drove around until l didn't know where to drive anymore. If this thought was from Him feel it was either a test to see if Id listen to His prompting or He is saying to permanently leave neighborhood?? If later though have no idea where would even go?
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I am North Florida about an hour from Georgia . The Lord lead me out of the city in S Florida .
I'm in the country . Never thought I would ever live here . But I have never been more at peace .
What part of Fl are you in now ?
Hello Lisa I am 45 mins north or fla in Brunswick Ga. Believing prepper and mother of two children. I am looking to start a home church and meet other preppers to gather with off grid when the time comes.....I have had the lord tell me to leave the east coast due to a tsunami in the future. Would love to chat with you. My email is God bless you dear sister. -Gina
Hello, I'm in Orlando, Florida with my family, I'm sorry I don't speak English, so I'm using Google translator. Anyone in this region...?
I am in Ft Pierce Fl, anyone near that area? I have land in Ohio and feel the need to get back, but have no $$ to do so....please pray with me that the Lord will make a way for my uhaul and $$ to fix up the old mobile home...My name is Nadine and thank you in advance
Florida will be under water. Fast/pray, ask where to go.
Good afternoon, Lisa Ann. We have established a safe haven, at the Lord's direction and guidance, about 4 hours from the panhandle, give or take depending on how far east or west you are in the panhandle. We are in the East Alabama/West Georgia area and are trusting the Lord to send us more Spirit-filled believers. If you would like to get additional information or talk with us further, please contact us at
Hi Good Morning I saw your response late last night was too tired to comment, Thank You, I do appreciate your & husbands thoughts on this. Would love to talk to you more about this. Gives me a glimmer of hope in figuring out a direction we ma be making. I have been praying getting quiet before God for over a year now, feel He has said where we live now isnt our forever home but that it wasnt time yet to leave, that he would instruct us when time.We were actively looking at other places to move in FL, GA, TN, NC, but for various reasons homes looked at didn't work out. We even almost pulled the trigger on one in FL recently but after looking up crime and asking God if we should or not felt heard NO. My email is Would you email me so I can ask you a couple questions about your move so I don't get too lengthy on here? Thanks Lisa
Good Morning Lisa Ann, I was reading your post and my reply to my husband and he thinks you have been told to move. We moved from Georgia to a place near Sparta, NC in late 2013 based on a message from God given to my husband. My husband was told there will be pockets of safe places in the US and Northwestern North Carolina is one of them. We were given signs of confirmation when we got here, God seemed to arrange for everything to easily fall into place for us. My husband says the fact that you have been in touch with us, is a sign for us to share this message with you. This region does seem to have lots of Godly people and lots of empty houses and has turned out to be a wonderful region for us to live in. Please pray over this and ask God if this is the direction he has planned for your life. God Bless you!
Hi Lisa Ann, I think you should go to the Lord in prayer and ask for clarification, if you haven't yet. I would also ask for guidance on where to go, if moving is what his message to you is about. The good Lord is the only one with the answer for you. Hope you here from him soon.