I believe Abe Lincoln said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” So with that, I believe God laid this upon my heart:
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but YOU CAN’T FOOL GOD AT ALL.”
I believe this speaks to the awful condition of most of the church and the self-professed Christians that inhabit them. There is a whole lot of outward display of “Love” and “Religion”, but an absence of true holiness. There is sometimes talk of repentance, but very little actual repenting. The hearts of many Christians are saturated with the world, all the while proclaiming a desire for Heaven. There are Christians and churches that practice Halloween, an occult holiday. There are Christians that vacation at wicked Disney World. There are those that drink beer and wine, and have hard hearts to God’s standard of righteousness. While the Lord says “Come out of her my people”, the vast majority choose to “stay in and enjoy the water.” Christians have become people pleasers, not God pleasers. God is not first in their lives, something else is. That is the definition of an idol. Few preachers warn against sin anymore. Adultery, fornication, homosexuality, wickedness, mockery, and greed are not warned against, but rather Christians continue to live for self, and not for Jesus. I often live with the tension of spending more money on myself, while starving children and adults in foreign lands suffer and die without Christ. And why? Because hardly ever do the Christian leaders preach to convict the rest of us of such selfishness. “Men shall be lovers of self, more than lovers of God.” In order to combat this deception, I have to read the Scriptures for myself and allow them to convict me, all the while wondering why the pastors and leaders aren’t bringing these truths to my attention. I have to search in vain for a “good church” that will help me to be the godly leader of my home that God has called me to be, yet not finding a church that will back me in my own home. Instead, sin is accommodated for the sake of “relationship”. We have truly lost the fear of God, because if we were truly honest with ourselves, we can’t possibly imagine God throwing us into Hell for hypocrisy and unrepentance. We erroneously believe God’s love overlooks our dark hard selfish hearts. We are unwilling to pay the price, but God sees it all — the movies, television, music, games, and wickedness that we are just fine with. As Pastor Ben Faircloth admonished us to stop supporting Netflix, most probably thought that was too harsh. Throughout the centuries, true believers have suffered torture and persecution and death for Jesus’ sake, yet we can’t give up Netflix or Disney! Seriously? Are we that in love with self and so void of Holy Spirit conviction that we can be that lukewarm — no, that COLD toward God Almighty? But I believe God is not fooled by any of it! He sees it all, He sees our hearts, that work iniquity and hold to the unclean thing. We eat more in church than fast. Do we ever even fast at all? How serious are we about prayer, and prayer meetings? And what about repentance? Are we ever told what to repent of? Let our laughter be turned to mourning! The land becomes filled with more and more wickedness, and Christians by-and-large just acclimate to it, because they “want to have a good time.” If we each had a daughter that was being beaten and raped, we wouldn’t be laughing and joking, but rather crying, angry, and devastated! How much more serious is a lukewarm attitude to Christ and His holiness and righteousness? .... But God sees. He sees the “go along with the crowd” mentality of believers instead of suffering the reproach of Christ. Moses chose to suffer with God’s people instead of enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season. How many American Christians choose that path? Obviously very few when you look around. “To obey is better than sacrifice” but today we think we can placate a Holy God by doing some good work or giving a donation or tithe, and God wont see our true condition! We don’t obey, we WON’T obey, but somehow we believe we can “trick” God, but God cannot be mocked. What we reap, we will so. I hunger for true men of God to preach repentance, righteousness, holiness, AND separation from this world — not mixing the two together, which Jesus said could not be done. It shouldn’t take 20 years to repent of things the early church gave up overnight once they were saved. Are we striving to be like the church in Acts? Then let’s do an Acts 19:19 with the garbage in our lives, both the physical and the wickedness hidden within our own hearts. Be warned: no one can fool the Living God EVER!!!
Yes, I’m still here, although I haven’t posted for quite a while. But I listen to every one of the messages on Latterrain333. Thank you for your response to what was heavy on my heart in September 2018 — and is even more so today in April 2020. I yearn to see true righteousness, repentance, sorrow, and brokenness amongst God’s Remnant, God’s elect — and the increase in God’s true followers, dedicated disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, how we need a solemn assembly (Joel chapters 1 and 2), and need to pray like Daniel (chapter 9). Now we are in the midst of a world crisis and we hear people saying “Don’t fear, don’t panic, God’s got this” BUT without a holy call to full surrender and repentance from the works of darkness. (A few are calling for that, but very few by comparison). Hosea 10:12 says “Break up your fallow ground; it is time to seek the Lord.” I desire that full surrender in my own life, without qualification. No more excuses! No more going along to get along. I want to plant a big sign in my front yard that says “REPENT! TURN TO JESUS!” — even if the rest of the family thinks it’s too radical or offensive. I want to speak the Truth, live the Truth, and love the Truth! my message is “Jesus Christ can change your life.” And then I’m done with this world. I want God’s ways and nothing else! If none go with me, still I will follow. I believe these things we are seeing are judgments from God Almighty. The virus, the locusts, the Asian hornets, the tornadoes, the floods, the earthquakes, the plummeting economy, and all the religious deception in these last days. I want to encourage the true saints of Christ Jesus to stay on that narrow path and to warn others while there is still a sliver of time. Our life is a vapor, and we need to be sold out for Jesus! .... I am blessed by this forum and Elizabeth Marie and also Sister Mary of God’s Handmaiden, plus a few others. But there are some I am concerned about, so please test the spirits with Scripture and prayer. If some keep promising the rapture “any second”, be careful as we need to endure to the end, and great tribulation is upon us I believe. Yes, I truly am convinced now that we are in the Birth Pangs, the Time of Sorrows. How long this will go on we can’t be sure, but when they are talking about a forced vaccine with digital documentation, alarm bells are going off on me! Sounds too much like the Mark of the Beast for my comfort level. Never take that Mark under ANY circumstances! And don’t listen to some who will assure you that you will be raptured before that time, because that is a set-up for actually being persuaded to take the Mark, as “we will be raptured before the real Mark is mandated.” Such deception! Read the King James Bible, pray, and seek out other endtime believers to encourage you — even if it’s only through the internet.
With Christ’s love and mercy,
autumn88 ✝️💕