Yesterday while I was cleaning out closets and getting rid of hinges and putting clothes that don’t fit my kids yet in boxes and packing up our clothes for moving. (Not to a safe zone) but into another apt unit with more bedrooms. But A thought came to mind that if we did have to move quickly we wouldn’t know wheee anything is that we would need to have packed.
so an idea came to mind and I thought about packing up essentials a weeks worth of clothings to accommodate 3 seasons. And jeans we wear at least 2x before washing. for example for summer and spring, pack everyone 4 jeans 4 shorts, 4 tank tops, 5 shirts, 5 long sleeves, 8 undies/briefs, etc. whatever your preference. Pack up some toilet paper, soaps. but keeping it small. small but warms blankets. Big stuff don’t matter when you need to get going quickly.
what is everyone’s thoughts and add on suggestions?
yes, it is a good idea to have a BOB (bug-out-bag), with all the clothes and essentials in it, in case you have to leave quickly!!