The Safe havens are supposed to be protected not broad cast for all to find especially the Enemy! that has its puppets doing its evil foot work! The Brothers and Sisters of Christ Jesus needs to keep it a secure in locations as the internet is the biggest tracker then comes satellite and so on !
Please be more discreet as anyone or anything can now find these places and people from the lightshines7
Miflamelily, I think you're justified in asking questions. Look up the two churches and the eight Jesuit priests who survived the bombing of Hiroshima completely unscathed. It's not that long ago that we saw miraculous protection of exactly the sort people are saying will happen here.
Not all humans believe as you see your loved ones and friends falling to the mandates. Abraham saw and smelled the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah. The safe havens will not suffer from the nuclear fall out but most humans will not choose the safe havens. They will believe God calls them to greater self sacrifice. When we choose what and how we sacrifice, but do not seek His way, it is abomination. When He seals the safehavens, no one can get in. He will be a wall of fire around the safehavens keeping everything and every non-han being out. The people inside the safe havens will be at rest and peaceful happy yo learn about their God from Him. He will speak to them plainly as they have chosen the better path. Seek Him know that you may find out what His purpose for you is: ride out the storm in a safe haven, in a prison, martyred or something far less savory.
The Lord has promised a hedge of fire around the safe havens. As my family will be in one while I work for the Lord, He has assured me that even if the government tries to drop bombs on them, the bombs are guaranteed to miss. The enemy cannot invade these places and for the most part will be blinded to them. Don't worry for anything. There will be supernatural protection along with supernatural provisions not everyone gets to see.