The Holy Spirit has shown me years ago the alien thing will be a cover up for We disappearing ...... We wife and I have only 10 days left, to find a new home, before our time is up at this 20 year rental house...... please pray for God to reveal His plan for us/me at this time, I don't know what to do, I would like to head somewhere safer than the burbs of chicago, like the ozarks, so when we are gone, I may leave some sanctuary for those still here............. Please pray for me, as my life in Christ has had its peaks and valleys, the recent years have brought me ever closer to My Saviour...... with that has come enemy opposition like I have never seen, seemingly wave after wave, the latest is housing and finances, the good news is yesterday, I was able to pray with a much loved soul to receive the Holy Spirit. I dont know why God s Spirit has presented me with less and less opportunities to witness His Gospel, but I suspect it may be that the incoming fullness of the gentiles is coming to completion, and there are just less people who will accept Jesus Christ.
Look up Louis Vogal-Sharp on YouTube's via King of Glory Ministries channel. She and her husband are building a safe haven in upstate NY.
Blessings, Robert
I am just wondering if I should leave the New England area. Does anyone have any comments on where to look for a safe haven?
Hi live in the south burbs of Chicago and Also wish I can move out into the country so we can self sustain. Here is my email address just Incase we can help each other out any way we can. even if it’s just information.
Thank you ...... and Bless you all...... The Lord has answered our prayers and we have a new lease on a small place nearby......... 3 days before we had to move.
artbay... maybe check out Salt of the Ozarks, a safe haven .. May you hear from the Lord on this & I will remember you & your wife in prayer.. GBY!!
I will pray for you also.
will continue to be praying!