Hi Everyone!
A few days ago, I received an email from Ken who has a VERY LARGE SAFE HAVEN in the Ozarks of Arkansas. It is over 3,000 acres. They already have people that have moved there. They are selling the property an acre at a time, or more if you want. You would have to build your own housing....maybe RV's are accepted....I don't know.
It definitely sounds very worth checking out, for those who have been told to move or who are looking to move. It is an intentional Christian prepping safe haven.
I have not gone there, so I can only give you the info that I've been given and proceed at your own risk. Please do your own research diligently and with the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Shalom to all my brothes and sister. The LORD AND HIS all POWER has move us me and my daughter a year ago from the east coast to Arkansas. Was in a mericle power way PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. But At the moment where i live i feel that i am spose. i have fallow God instruction, but at this moment i need dirrection. i haven her from him for awhile, and i don't know if i should move from this house to other places. also i wanted to ask Dear sister Elizabeth if you we have to have money to be in a safe heaven? do you have to buy a house or a property? i wanted to know because i don/t have much information about it. so what will happent to us with little income? that do not have that much money for a property, but we have fallow YESHUA, instructions in saving supplies.
i have ask him what will i do with everything if we have to leave our home? GOD is not a God of confution. i have a dream that we ware in a cave and it was cold and it seems like snow. i just want some advice dear sister, and daughter of the ALMIGHTY GOD. i will love to be in a safe heaven we have plenty of dreams from them seem 2016, but i don't have that tipe of income. Thank you dear sister for your services and made THE LORD Bless you guide you and protect you always. shalom Maria Rivera
I have spoken to Ken Uptegrove myself recently about the Ark Haven Ministry safe haven that he is spearheading. I hope to go and tour the area myself in the near future.
I am going to include a link to a You Tube video which will enlighten you all on the scientific information behind The Ark Haven ministry going forward in the Ozark mountains for a safe place to survive as we go into these latter end times. I am posting the specific website home page as well that will give more info as well.
Safe Locations for Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South & North Carolina, Tennessee. | (survivingthepoleshift.com)
If I can email Ken, another Christian Safe Haven near Ozark Fort Smith ( not OzarkArk@Protonmail.com or ArkHaven Ministries, Arkansas, arkhaven@hotmail.com either ) NY I'm on in contact with landlord gave me precise address. To buy acre, buy me time to work near Fort Smith Ozark owner gave me exact address, since we worked lots of emails together. Garage I built from cinder blocks, same procedure can be done to build house. Here's some wisdom in emails I sent him. Icon coin Miraculous Holy Mary said "Rays grace gifts Holy Spirit go largely unclaimed by people". Obtain Patron Saint intervention by medal coin icon dip in Holy Water Baptist whilst say pray Blessing Prayer, Latin to English translation on line. Catholic main chant mantra Ke Re El Is On 5 syllables heal 5 main organs, each syllable corresponds to a certain organ. Rosary Beads 50, 50 repetitions self hypnosis gets attention sub conscience or rather is super conscience ( is not 'Overself' entity links about 10 human famiilies incarnations either on earth and on other planets ) 50 Rosary Beads prayers repetitions petitions tell your super conscience what you need, 50 repetitions petitions, 50 envisions, unbroken consecutive one immediately after another, may test objectively ( subjectively upon person is another matter ) tell your super conscience what you need, takes time not sudden Miraculous. Bible verse "Whatever thine hand findeth to do work". Prophet God said "People go door to door { as trick or treat or buying selling door to door salesman } asking employment from strangers" mark beast cashless adversary cashless live free bargain barter goods. WW2 Britain's Victory Gardens short time term crops in backyards 12 feet x 12' year round since siege by Nazis. Saying "Live off grid" grid utilities improvise fabricate utilities own. Engine can be converted to hydrogen water gas fuel kits start at about $ 200 affixed to generator or car electric alternator to power grow bulbs in underground grow room 12' x 12' in property. Future cosmic rays will decimate crops. Prophet God who vanished 2012 said "USA methane fractal mining cracks all rock beds 50'under methane gas has seeped into cracks entire continent USA explodes" 'Fire afar fear' Rev 18:11 Asteroids ignite. Saying "Keep friends close, enemies closer" doctrines not in Bible I read to keep enemies closer. The book Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ was transmitted to a Civil War Union Army Doctor, is one book scroll example, Oahspe, Urantia Book and 64 Keys of Enoch are others. Army Officer I read link, when USSR fell about 200 nuclear spy suitcases were sold to terrorists. Another report terrorists plan set nuclear spy suitcases by earth quake faults for maximum destruction. Nuclear spy suitcases are set in major cities in USA. Terrorists meeting after 911, since 1000s of killed USA ghosts didn't haunt them, 1,000,000s dead USA ghosts won't neither when detonate nuclear spy suitcases in major cities in USA. Terrorists have orders when 1 terrorist cell holding nuclear spy suitcase is raided, all other terrorist cells holding nuclear spy suitcases have to detonate as the method "Dead man's switch". Holy Mary said "If 500,000 people unite in prayer nuclear suitcases will be defused". I had nightmare or Prophetic dream, others had too, posted on you tube. Started I was looking out window towards Manhattan seeing ashes sparks falling from sky, then saw Manhattan's skyscrapers towers of babels fallen burning. I woke up believing the terrorists finished job 911 again, didn't hear sirens or smell smoke, so went back to sleep and dream repeated, same way other's say their Prophetic dreams repeat. Finally dream stopped, I had to look at Manhattan's skyscrapers to see since news don't divulge true. Prophet who vanished 2012 said God said "Read me the verse where I'm supposed have wheels, Prophet did so, then God asked "Do I have wheels ?" No said Prophet. God said Bible babel translations confusion
My wife and I spoke with Mr Uptegrove last night. (He's 84yo. God is granting him great favor and quickly bringing his long-held vision into reality. He basically has 5sq miles of wilderness on which to establish this "Goshen" community in which believers can work and share in unity. Skilled believers are already showing up. Former Green Beret to head defense, school teachers, skilled construction, herdsmen, gardeners. Acceptable participants (yes, there is a screening) purchase as much land as desired, or rent (pending availability). RV hookups available for temporary dwelling while one is building. One goal is off-grid sustainable living.
I've emailed with Ken a number of times. He seems like a good guy. ~Jennifer