First of all I want to thank God for leading me to Ms Elizabeth Marie's website to provide an avenue for the information I'm about to share. God is truly using her in these last days to speak to His people.
God first started speaking to me 30 years ago when He told me that I was being given an end days mission that would become more and more relevant toward the last days. I ask why me and He said that there were 500 other people in the United States that He was coming to for their own missions at that time. I think many of the Godly you-tube family are part of it maybe. I continually received guidance and messages through the years, one of them was the location of a last days safe zone in the mountains of North Carolina. It extends from the Blue Ridge Parkway on the east, the Appalachian Trail on the west, Burnsville NC on the south and the NC state line on the north. This area consist of a high mountain basin of abundant water, farms, forest and Godley people!
My wife and I moved here 5 years ago from GA and love it here, this is truly Gods country! There are other safe zones in the country such as the Ozarks and other similar isolated mountain pockets but this is the area I was told about for this region of the south. There will be nothing safe within 200 miles of the coast or nothing close to large populated areas. Perhaps some other of Gods watchmen will share their own safe zones here also. This is the end of my 1st of several safe zone messages of instructions that I feel lead to post. May God bless you all in your search. Gary & Donna
Hi all, i am in Palm Beach Gardens Florida looking for others for safe haven! God bless you!