Hello everyone,
I've known our Lord since Jan. 1978 and have been blessed to have received the mantles of Noah, Joseph, and that of a watchman.
Having received a copy of Thea Eroes vision/map of the general ark locations in '82 and Nita Johnson's vision/map of unsafe locations in this country, in '89, I would greatly advise everyone to look at Nitas map vision.
You can look at it on "whygodreallyexist. com". Research
"Nita Johnson's prophetic 1989 map vision...." Thea went home in 2008,
I believe, and her followers have deleted her map since they would not vouch for its authenticity and credibility. If you super impose one upon the other, you will see that the maps seem to be credible.
The safe haven principle/confirmation are found in numerous scriptures. Ps. 91, Rev.12:6, Isaiah 4:5-6 are a few that detail protection and safety.
The Lord made it known thru Solomon that history always repeats itself (so far) and there is nothing new under the sun. Our Lord Himself stated that it would be just like in the "days of Noah". Noah and family were protected from His wrath (flood) for the purpose of continuing life. Likewise will His people be protected this time as well, for the same purpose in the millennium, imo.
The safe havens, in my opinion, are simply property locations worldwide, that He has setup to protect His own, for 3 1/2 years (Rev.12:6, Dan.12:7-12.)
Those who are alive afterwards are found in Zech.14:16, who will enter into the start of the millennium with Jesus to celebrate Tabernacles on earth.
A few have received dreams concerning these safe havens and described them as having a "blue dome " over the property, and seeing a "spiritual bubble " over it as they entered the property. Upon entering, this person felt the Glory of the Lord "hit" her. You can read this dream on
whygodreallyexist.com. Search Charlie V.s dream on FEMA camps.
Time is of the essence brothers and sisters. Seek the Lord for His will for you.
Blessings to all..
Thank you Fathersrest.. Great info!