Hello,I have been trying to reach Sister Mary about her safe haven but I have not been able to reach her for a couple of weeks. Does anyone know of any safe havens not far from Nashville Tennessee or Franklin Kentucky?
Bo Polny, who has mastered Daniel's Timeline said recently on the Greg Hunter Show:
"Tribulations is here, the 3rd seal (economic collapse) has been opened and
the Pre-Triber’s are still here! By 2027 the mid-Triber’s will still be here too,
unprepared with the Pre-Triber’s. In the end, the Post-Triber’s who prayed
and listened to the Holy Sprit for discernment will be the safely tucked
away in their ARCs... PREPARED!
Beginning April 21, 2020 and before December 17, 2023 (3-years) is the
TIME window to build the Arcs of SAFETY with the new value of silver/gold.
A TIME of PROSPERITY for those who listened & prepared
A TIME of SCARCITY for those who did not. The coming Time of Joseph
begins in 2024, see Joseph and the Famine, Genesis 47:13-27 (LINK).
ARCS of SAFETY... ‘Ande in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of
hosts.” - Haggai 2:9". Greg Hunter’s link follows: