I'm in the Livermore Pleasanton area of the Bay Area. I'm a christian seeking christians and a safe Haven or safe place to go in an emergency or end times.
Hi, i live in the bay area in Daly City. I'd like to connect with other christians if only to pray and have community. email at josephbernardcruz@gmail.com
I am in Bay Area too. I found other christians but they are a little shy or distrustfull of connecting or have a spouse that doesn't want the connection. There's others seeking safe haven groups. For now, you have me. I'm Sylvia. My email at vavvet1justs@hotmail.com
Hi, i live in the bay area in Daly City. I'd like to connect with other christians if only to pray and have community. email at josephbernardcruz@gmail.com