While I was preparing my latest BLOG, with 2 recent messages that the LORD gave me, I was lead to remind people, on this FORUM, that the WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY is getting smaller, and smaller to get ready for the Beast System.
If the LORD has called you to participate in an alternative community economy, then do not wait much longer to get started....or to seek out those that have already started!
The FIRST thing that is needed is a FOUNDATION of a SPIRITUAL CONNECTION with like-minded people. This is where JESUS CHRIST is the CORNERSTONE, and the leader of all your endeavors. We must remember this verse:
"Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain." Psalms 27:1
The SECOND thing that is necessary is the SKILL SET. The CORE of the group has to start with those who are SKILLED in building a community that is self-sustaining. Some of those SKILLS include:
Anyone in PA, VT or Upstate New York? Looking for a community or home fellowship. None in my area.
@James Hi James. This is Kathy from petersonkr1023@gmail.com I was quite amazed to see your response last night, and to learn you actually live in Twin Cities for the present time.
I would like to communicate further with you about what God has shown you regarding your Safe Haven. I resonate with what you said about the focus being shining Christs light even more than 'survival'. Please do contact me using my email address.
The reason Im asking for email is that I have already attempted to send you two different responses through this site. I sent 1 last night. I didn't see it posted today. So I sent a new note today. I pressed the button to send todays note but it also disappeared. I dont see it here.
Clearly I am having technical problems & don't even know if this note will post. I hope & pray you do receive this!!! Have a blessed day James!
I pray all friends of this community are blessed today!
Peterson where are you from? I follow Latterrain333 YouTube channel. I'm Neil from central Massachusetts looking for fellowship/community NY State, PA or Ohio. Most people around me are not serious about community living or even interested. Maybe in Maine or Northern Vermont people are.
Thank you Elizabeth Marie for making it possible for those of us seeking community and safe haven to connect. I have been taking steps of preparation for some years, but I've had a hard time finding believers of like mind & understanding to connect with and to share the struggles, joys, sorrows, prayers (and also miracles) of the hard season ahead.
I have experience with gardening, food preparation/preservation & some first aid and medical knowledge (as a Caregiver/CNA). I want to learn more about herbal remedies. For whatever it's worth I'm a creative person with a book of poems, psalms, songs & lyrics which I wrote. I d like to get back to playing guitar again because I like to sing & worship God.
I am a teamwork type person, but also a strong believer in the compassion and humility of the ACTS churches and the unification & building up of the body of Christ where each 'member,' with its own unique gifts, has something of value to offer. Jesus Christ prayed we would grow up into the unity of His Spirit and be able to function as one body, so the world would see Jesus in us!
I am praying Holy Spirit will lead me to a safe haven community. If there are any Safe Havens in the Minnesota, Wisconsin or Iowa regions please reach out to me!! Also I'm interested in other regions, especially further south, for a solid community and safe haven.
Thank you! Gods blessings to all here!!!
I have a property in the southern Ozarks, not too far from Branson. It was acquired with the intention of being a safe zone, if God wills it. I have some construction and self defense skills, and I've also been blessed with resources. Location is walking distance (through woods) to an excellent small church with true believers.
There is space for gardening, which is not one of my talents.
Looking for a safe haven in PA or Ohio. I'm currently living in MA. Have not been able to connect with others in the northeast region. Have some construction skills. Have not done alot of gardening. Contact me at neilheckley82@gmail.com if you want to connect.
In the last few years I have diligently worked hard to leave this beast system , I have learned that as I get older my needs increase , I do realize that if I am still standing when the mark of the beast comes , it is going to be close to inpossible to servive , or help others . May I ask what are some of your preparations and plans for this coming days?
@Joanna P , so far, I have not gotten any email notifications.
If you want to connect more quickly, feel free to email me.
HI Robin , glad to see you here , so what I have noticed is that it does goes to my gmail , that is how I know that you replied to me , I have tried trough the years to try to reach out to other believers but without much success , I know feal that the time is right to start making connections and that our Lord has had me wait for a reason . I do understand that we need to be careful and be vigilent . But at the same time we need to start making connection. I hope that others will take a step in faith and start building friendships. Good to see you here !
Thank you sister for doing this. I'm in VA. I fish, have grown fruit trees and nutritional/medicinal herbs, some foraging experience. My gift is to serve the saints, especially the elderly and children. I have medical training. Jo Anne
HI everyone , I am in Ky . I have a garden every year ,have goats and chickens , trying to be as self sustainable as possible , would love to work towards a community , at least start with comunicating and sharing ideas, and see where it goes from there . Feal free to contact me , Not sure how this forum actually works ,but I guess I will figure it out lol God Bless ,
I have a little experience with veggie gardens and have leaned some about natural medicine. I'm in Michigan now but believe the Lord will be moving us as He has shown me most of Michigan will be under water at some point. Looking for like minded people in a community or working to bring one together. I will go wherever the Lord leads.
In Central FL with experience in food storage, veggie gardening, and learning canning. Looking for like-minded Spirit led individuals.
Is there a safe haven in SE Tennessee, South of Cleveland, TN
Looking for fellowship and community in East Tennessee, east of Knoxville.
Any safe havens near Colorado Springs?
I have researched and prepared a list of herbs that have healing properties. Many can be used to treat people when prescription medications are not available.
Some of the herbs listed were given to prophets and visionaries by the Holy Spirit. I researched each one. If anyone wants the information, feel free to email me at rockin-robyn@msn.com