Here I would like to introduce the idea of different Safe Havens the LORD commanded me to build since 2010.
We call them Societies of the Rose and they are Assemblies or Wells of Righteousness which can be established in all Nations and Towns. The Idea behind it is to come out of the World and our standard Churches and to come together in Love, Unity and Support.
These Societies shall not exceed 50 members because one of the main points is Equality in all decisions. If a Society reaches more than 50 members then a new additional Society of the Rose should be established. Each Society will be led by two members (preferable a man and a woman) but remember all members are equal and these two are more elders than leaders.
The aim of each Society is to come together in Spirit and Truth, support one another, help the needy in their neighborhood and have at least one day where all share a Love Meal together. Usually it is the Thursday when we gather for the meal to honor our LORD Jesus Christ. Before we share the food the elders will lead the prayers and share a lesson or teaching to encourage the assembly.
The members of the Society will come together daily to share their resources, love and support for one another and will select daily one righteous project to help the needy in their area. Project files will be prepared from each member about cases that need support in their neighborhood and all members will decide together which one has the highest priority and will be selected for assistance each day.
For the members the Societies of the Rose are offering a wide range of benefits next to the prayer meetings, love meals and coming together. I will explain these benefits in my next post in this thread.
Triple Grace has a website where we train future elders of Societies of the Rose in how to lead and establish such an Assembly in their Neighborhood:
Just sign up at our website. It is completely free and use our resources to encourage other people to come together and share the Love of GOD with one another and the needy in your area.
Please also have a look at our Daily prophetic words that we are called to put forth:
Support our prophetic words blog by becoming a member of Triple Grace and one of our Patrons here:
These teaching series will be continued shortly ....

wow! thank you, Michael, for sharing all of this! I do believe that the LORD is putting together HIS saints for such a time as this! I also have been shown to help start different fellowships --- but I do not know the timing of it! These will be houses of prayer! This is one of my heart's desires...... to see the elect coming together similar to the early church. The model that the western world has for church is not working, nor is is completely biblical!
A wonderful, dear brother of mine sent me this great series on what the true church should look like. It has 6 parts (around an hour), but it WELL WORTH the watch!