There have been various calculations finding the 666. It is hard to believe, but various people who believe to be Christians will even accept the chip. I urge you to Pray.

"calculate the number of the Beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six" (Rev. 13:18)
Ask Jesus about the following. He cares. repent.
It is starting to be forced upon people in the workplace. God's people are asleep about all of this, most importantly to be truly free from sin REPENT. To be saved you need to stop sinning. Do not accept the chip or you will be sorry,
The visible Church of today is polluted with sinners, those who call themselves Christians but who refuse true repentance and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These churches are the visible churches that are in our towns are communities and our cities. They are organized and they try to keep the rules of the government so that they can keep their 501 c 3 tax status. They looked for many members, they make sure that they're saying what is politically correct and they want to gain as many members as they can so they can have as much money as they can to build their organization bigger and bigger. Some Churches obviously are bigger than others which make them only bigger deception than the smaller churches. These church fall short of the kingdom of God and their members don't fall into the category of the children of God, but they fall into the category of those that are bundled ready to be thrown into the Lake of Fire. It is written in Revelation that these churches are Babylon the great, the great Harlot that deceives the nation's, and Fallen is Babylon the great, a dwelling place of demons and every unclean an evil spirit. These churches teach many lies. They teach their congregation that they cannot stop sinning and that they can't really hear from Jesus because everything is already recorded in the Bible. They teach dead religion that you have to follow all the rules of men, going to church on Sunday or Saturday. They teach that you have to pay your tithes and that you have to keep all these ritualistic practices. You have to keep their ceremonies. At the same time these churches also teach and they are saved by grace, not by works, so they are hypocrites. The Works to them though means the works of righteousness. They doubt that they can repent, and it is doubtful. They call it a work. They say that all the work that Jesus gives HIS children are the works that will not get you to heaven. So they say they don't have to repent, they don't have to be baptized and they don't have to practice righteousness because all the things that come from Jesus are as filthy rags. They dismiss all of the commands of Jesus as filthy rags, but they hold up all their dead wicked religion the good practice and the good works. So they continue to go to church, pay their tithes, listen to the sermons and go on their mission trips and they keep all of the rituals that will not save them. They are addicted to Bible study and to sin. Jesus is raising a new generation of children who will know God and not know "church". These children are separate from the ungodliness that is happening in the church. They offer their bodies daily as living sacrifices holy and pleasing unto the Lord. They have one Shepherd which is Jesus Himself. And HE is their Father and their their King. They go after Jesus because they hear HIM and they are not led away by strangers that are hirelings. Hirelings are pastors and false shepherds who have false words from the Lord, who mislead and missguided people. In the book of Acts the Holy Spirit came upon the early disciples and they started speaking in tongues and prophesying. They started speaking all the wonders of God. When some people heard they believed because it was in their own native tongue but others disbelieved thinking that they were just full of wine and thinking that they were drunk. Peter said this sermon; "But Peter standing up with the eleven raised his voice and said to them, " Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and heed my words, for these are not drunk as you suppose since it is it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: " It shall come to pass in the last days says God, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. And they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in Heaven above and signs in the earth beneath. Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." These are the days that were spoken of, these are the last days. Jesus is pouring out his holy spirit. Anyone who wants to receive his spirit will receive his holy spirit baptism. But you have to receive Jesus as your king and as your only teacher and leader. Don't receive a false baptisms that happen in church. Received the words of Jesus. Live on HIS words. His words are the red letters that are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If you don't know what He has said go back and read them. Pray for the Holy Spirit and Jesus will baptize you in His Spirit and He will teach you HIS ways. Don't be led astray by the false churches who teach the doctrines of demons.