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Forum Posts

Benli Gwan
Sep 28, 2024
In Connect with One Another
Dear All, I would like to propose a location for future Goshen, for God's choosen ones, based on an old prophecy, stating that in the future the island named as Papua island will be the refuge place for the chosen ones, specifically for western people from the north atsmophere, to live until the return of Jesus. Currently, I live in Bali island, approximately 4-5 hours flight to the Papua island. Papua island is still very primitive, the tribes are still exist although they are Christians mixed with indigeneous belief. I am still praying about this location, personally I would not want even to think about this island as it is still very primitive. But, considering the old prophecy which I do not know about the accuracy and the truth of the prophecy. But, judging from present and future situation, it could be true. Anyway, the Goshen must be ready before 2029, and we must start from now and prepare it. I still believe specifically for USA, it has the time until 2029 and then after that it will cease to exist forever. Please type the name of Papua island prophecy or Nubuatan untuk Papua ( in indonesia language ) and use translator. Thank you. Benli

Benli Gwan

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