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In Connect with One Another
Jackie Welsh
Jul 23, 2019
Okay, yes on Google Play there is an app called Discord...and I am going to make one today, I just wanted to see people responding and has the same thoughts and ideas like I do.. Also many concerns...right now the West coast is shaking ...and it isn't good...I watch a few good resources on YouTube, not many.. Had to decifer through a lot to find the real truth and Christian movements...and I want to reply also to a message that said he was in Pa but not a Christian women, I want to say " it is okay, you are here and you are interested in the same things we all are, right now we should focus on preparedness and survival and find each other and network together, I will be back, and leave the link to the discord ...and a link to Go Meeting whatever everyone feels comfortable with meeting everyone in has their options and we can agree on either one when I post it....if someone else has anotjer idea, please please bring it to our attention so we all our on the same is essential to assemble even if if is online at first so we can meet and talk at first...I need this as much as the next person, and the time is now I think...I do feel an urgency and have felt it for almost 2 weeks now...also to Issmith..I understand completely to the concern of the 3 major cities here in Pa ...heck I am in Hanover and this concerns me also, yes it is not to far to the rural areas like Glen Rock, but it will take one major circumstance to happen and Hanover will be just as squished into a city like setting everything is open everything......even another state...let me give everyone some options here, bring in the meeting place links and everyone decide which one will work for them...thank you for reading my message, and lets pray that we can get a like minded group together and work as a team not just for us but for our families....and future oncomers..that may find us....jackie

Jackie Welsh

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