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jeff ouellette
Oct 07, 2023
I have heard two dreams that people have had what they witnessed when the rapture of the church happened. One person said they saw a big wave coming in. Another person said the ground was cracking. So if you're a born again Christian I'm not even so sure if you're even going to be here. Because both people were getting raptured when this stuff happened. As far as martial law and civil unrest I can't help you there that's probably when you would need to be gone.
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jeff ouellette
Oct 07, 2023
I don't know what you think what your witnessing when you look at that map. Edgar Casey prophesied about this when he was alive. When the meteor hits California Oregon Washington Nevada Utah and Arizona falls off into the ocean. The East Coast gets hit by a tsunami that reaches all the way to the Appalachian mountains. And of course that little sliver that makes the where the two pieces separate that the Great lakes empty into the Gulf of Mexico. This is mystery Babylon splitting into three pieces. The ground is already cracked in Mexico and in Montana. But this is after the meteor impact. It is the meteor that causes all this to happen.
jeff ouellette
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