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Forum Comments

Safe Haven in Upstate New York
In Connect with One Another
Dec 26, 2020
I have spent a lot of time hesitating to accept Lois Vogel Sharp as a prophetess of God, but now I have. People I know follow her, and I was hesitant to jump on the bandwagon because I am always cautious about people claiming to be prophets. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and felt something warn me about rejecting one of God's prophets, and I was afraid. Even so, I wasn't entirely ready to believe, but I knew better than to write her off after that. It all clicked one day when she spoke about Trump winning. I believe her. I believe she's a prophetess of God. It doesn't make her less human, but I believe the messages she carries are from God. Some of you misunderstand and call her arrogant for doubting ideas that are contrary to her own but... Think of it this way. If you are told things by God directly, and you know it's Him without a doubt, and someone else comes along claiming to be a prophet but are saying things that are the opposite of what God told you...of course you're not going to listen to that. Of course you're going to be skeptical and maybe even irritated that someone is spreading contrary messages to what God told you. She has said in her videos that God will deal with false prophets. She said that even if she were one, God would deal with her accordingly. I believe she is a prophetess. Also just a warning that money doesn't guarantee a place in the safe haven, and it should not. If you feel led to give, then do so. The decision of who enters the safe haven and who does not is God's.


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