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It is just about time
In Connect with One Another
It is just about time
In Connect with One Another
Feb 09, 2021
Hi sister Kimberley, My wife, 2 and a half year old son, and I are from NYC. We are looking for people to come together with to build/find a safe haven. We have the same mindset as you and want to find likeminded true believers in the LORD ALMIGHTY who He has through His will to bring together for this purpose. We don't know anybody else here in NYC who is on board with the same mindset as us, except with the possibility of our 2 Christian friends, but still not sure. We are pretty much the only Christians who recently turned to the LORD JESUS CHRIST about 2 years ago (for me a little more than 2; for my wife about 2 years) in our family including all relatives across the globe. with the exception of my mother in law who lives in Vietnam, who also very recently became a believer in CHRIST JESUS. The friends that we have who are Christians (2 of them), I am not too sure what they think about the LORD bringing His believers to safe havens as I still didn't broach the topic with them, but very soon right away will. You can write to me at If possible, it would be good if you can also set up a protonmail account so we can communicate with encrypted emails, since I heard that there is tracking on gmail and privacy is breached. I will text you soon so we can touch base. I've been praying to the LORD on what to do. Very recently, my wife and I have been led to go out and preach about JESUS in the subways of NYC. But even before then, the LORD did tell us to get provisions of food and we stocked up on it months ago. And, with safe havens, we felt a strong tug a few months ago too, but lately FATHER has put upon our hearts to go out and tell people in NYC since so many of them are lost...but at the same time, we want to leave NYC and find a safe haven together with a community of HOLY SPIRIT led believers with like mindset. With all the many dreams/visions from the Body of CHRIST, they have been on the back of our minds. We feel the LORD is having us to soley focus on Him and not the storm, but at the same time to make preparations here and there on various matters. Please text me at 646-584-4529. GOD Bless you and your husband and hope to hear from you both soon! Brother in CHRIST, Dat


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