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In Connect with One Another
Nov 07, 2022
Many on here are looking for the above "prepper" website which is non-existent ("404" etc)...instead, you should be searching and saving websites that you come across as a "bookmark." Most browsers have a bookmark manager line, either above or below the url and apps line...on the bookmark line, create a folder (right-click on the line and "add folders")...for example, I created a few folders: "Food" "Home" "Laws" "Maps" and similar [place them in alphabetical order by dragging them into place]...then, within each MAIN folder, I create further sub-folders, like "Food"/then "Survival." When I search for and find survival websites, I copy/paste (or drag/drop) that url directly into the folder of choice, for easy remembrance and later access. I have over 2,000 websites thus saved, since before the pandemic. Search terms I use for Survival are fairly obvious, such as "survival" "military preparedness" "prepper" "homestead" "heirloom seeds" "CB/radio" "Energy" "Gear" etc etc. NOTE: every month or so, SAVE your bookmarks [Bookmarks Mgr/Import-Export bookmarks, named by the "date of save" as an "html" file for easy reference (such as "bookmarks 10-10-22.html"), to an alternate drive or appliance-- like an external drive] in case your main computer drive gets harmed and you thus lose everything...when your computer/browser goes down, just renew or recreate your computer or browser, then "import" your bookmarks and you're like new. Most other browsers can import your saved "bookmark file" to their system as well. Hope this helps...
In Connect with One Another
Sep 29, 2021


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