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Are there any Safehavens in Michigan?
In Connect with One Another
Nov 24, 2019
A Safe Haven is where 2 or 3 Followers of Jesus come together to glorify Him through the last treachery of the End Days of God's Judgement. He will provide each and every one of us, the strength and resources not only to survive, but, more importantly, for each of us to glorify Him through the End, as we are face-to- face fighting the demonic forces of the Underground World, as God allows during the Seal, Trumpet and Bowl Judgements/Wraths. Some places on the geography of the U.S.A actually have land, shelter, food, water and supplies for those God draws upon their Safe Haven. The purpose of the End Of Days is to allow His steadfast Followers to fight FOR Him as He allows the Anti-Christ, the Beast, and the Dragon to "fulfill the prophecies" of the last days and hours of God's fierce wrath for our continuous, willful, belligerent sins of America. Whoever we are and Wherever we are IS a Safe Haven. Prepare daily and constantly by reading, comprehending, and LIVING God's Word, His Truth, before He calls us Home. This will be the time and days of God's miraculous signs, wonders and miracles as the prophecies which have been written in Daniel and the Book of Rebelation. FEAR NOTHING, as Christ is always with us and within us. Pray and plan to Glorify Him until, and up through, the last hour! The future days behold the most heinous, as well as, the most amazing hours to show Christ: We Follow and Serve Him, the Most High, the Resurrected Messiah, Yeshua Hamaschiach, the Only Begotten Son of El Elohim!! 🙏💪🙌👑❤
Places in Alabama?
In Connect with One Another
Feb 13, 2019
@david.james.asdf Thanks for the info.


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