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Forum Posts

Jun 28, 2020
In Connect with One Another
Greetings All, my name is Scott. My wife and I reside in Indiana. I am writing this post on the 28th day of June 2020 while being prompted by the Holy Spirit. First a little history about who I am and why I am writing. The Lord called my wife and I out of the church we where attending at the time in 2008 and revealed to us the blessing of the seventh day Sabbath. We have been have been observing that since, separating that day for worship, prayer and study. Father has blessed us for our obedience. Moving forward to approximately the year 2010, the Lord spoke clearly to me that sometime in the future I would be led to a group of believers and that group would be expecting me. When we would come together in the future there would be a knowing that our coming together was preordained. Now, over the last month or so I have had a very strong desire placed in my heart to seek out believers who are coming together in a body that is in the form of the early church as described in the book of Acts. If this is you please contact me at: so that we may come together and pray. This must be brought together by the Spirit of God. Thank you for considering and may the Living God bless you mightily.


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