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message: mayday!

Writer: ElizabethElizabeth

On the 29th of May, a very dear sister in the LORD received this word:


The very next day, while I was just surfing the internet during a break from my work, I heard a loud voice VERY CLEARLY say the same word, but THREE TIMES:


I knew that the LORD was trying to get our attention and it was a DEFINITE WARNING! I looked up what the actual word, 'MAYDAY' meant:

Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice-procedure radio communications. It is used to signal a life-threatening emergency primarily by aviators and mariners, but in some countries local organizations such as firefighters, police forces, and transportation organizations also use the term. The call is always given three times in a row (“Mayday mayday mayday”) to prevent its being mistaken for some similar-sounding phrase under noisy conditions, and to distinguish an actual mayday call from a message about a mayday call.” [1]

Please notice that the CALL IS ALWAYS GIVEN THREE TIMES!!! This is exactly what I received from the LORD!

So this is another DISTRESS WARNING, ALERT, and SOUNDING OF THE ALARM that we are now on the edge of a precipice of some disaster. I was NOT given the day, month or timing. However, since this message, that was received contained, the word 'MAY,' it has to make me wonder if that in itself is a clue.....but that is only speculation and not at all an interpretation.

The LORD is truly merciful, long-suffering and forgiving, but there will come a time shortly that there is a point of no return. On April 22, 2018, I awoke to these words,

"I only have so much patience left until MY WRATH is to be poured out"

This reminds me of the verse in Jeremiah 7:20:

"Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: My anger and my wrath will be poured out on this place—on man and beast, on the trees of the field and on the crops of your land—and it will burn and not be quenched. "

SO, dear brothers and sisters, please keep on praying for HIS mercy and grace during these difficult days coming upon us! Joel 2 talks about this mercy, wishing that all would repent and come back to HIM:

"Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing— grain offerings and drink offerings for the LORD your God. " Joel 2:13-14



Unknown member
May 06, 2018

Henry’s Vision Of Kim Jong-Un Of North Korea. By Henry Gruver September 16, 2017 As I was on my way to the Pacific Northwest, the clouds looked so wintery, and not far up out of Sheridan, Wyoming on I-90, snow began to fall and then six inches was on the highway. I could see the tracks of an 18-wheeler clearly on the highway before me. My thoughts quickly turned to concern over the possible danger of losing traction and sliding off of the road. So, my prayers intensified for safety. The falling snow turned to a complete whiteout, so heavy I could only see the 18-wheeler’s truck tires in the snow just in front of my van. Now, I was…


Unknown member
May 03, 2018

YahuShua spoke these words to me after prayers: "The FIRST PASSOVER began on the 29th of April which is Nisan 14. The second Passover for those who were unable to keep the first Passover begins on Iyar 14 which is May 29 for your calendar." The 29th is also a full moon in May. On 4/27/18 After morning prayers I sat down at my computer and turned on my speaker. After about 1 minute Yah caused my Bose speaker to blow a loud trumpet trumpet blast. As it gets closer to war He is warning us individually. Always, to avoid deception listen to Yah alone. your servant of the 144,000 called by The Father on 12/7/2010 and sealed …


Unknown member
May 03, 2018

YahuShua Speaks to a Son: My son, hear now and write. Great distress is soon to come upon this nation. Those who thought themselves wise have sown the seeds of this nation’s destruction. In the coming days, the king (Trump) will reverse the treaty with the Persians, and the beginning of Jacob’s Trouble will begin. Those whose wisdom is of this world will be made fools, for they did not seek Me, but sought the king.

My son, now is the time for My remnant to be ready to move when I speak to your heart. Many, many people will seek you, My remnant, for you hear Me. My remnant will be calm, for I have given them peace in…


Unknown member
May 03, 2018

The Alarm of War

From The Lord, Our God and Savior

The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord God in a loud voice: The Day has come, yes, it is here! It waits at the doors and is about to come in! And behold, the Great Day approaches and draws near!

Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord to the inhabitants of the earth, to every tribe, tongue, people and nation: Bring forth everything you have from the storehouses and come out to the field for battle! Run quickly, and seek out your gods! Hurry, bow down and plead with your idols,…


Unknown member
May 03, 2018

YahuShua speaks to His servant: My son, I have finally gotten the attention of some of My People. You see, the only time some of them wake up is when they see My Hand move over certain areas. That is why when this nation starts experiencing My Hand of Judgment moving across the land, then those who wake up will be revived, and revivals will break out like little fires across this land. My Hand is moving the spoilers into position on the mountains of Israel. I have shown you the rockets packed with poison leaving Damascus, heading toward My People Israel. Many will die in this attack, and Israel will avenge. Samson will be used against Damascus, and the…

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