This morning i had a dream of people scattered frantically worried about the world coming to an end. Things were not as they are now but not much different. I dont know where i was as i wasnt where i live. But in this part of the dream, and most significant, everyone was shouting "the pyramids are coming!" I remember i wasnt alarmed until i saw them sliding up with ppl in them. All my loved ones i had lost that i didnt knw if they were ok. We had previously been split up earlier in the dream and they were made tp stay with the pyramids bc the world was coming to an end. Now the 3 pyramids were in front of this buidling anf they had the choice to stay or get off. People were mad and scared and running frantically. The most peculiar thing was there were boxes upon boxes of canned goods on these pyramids. And for some reason, i was not scared of these pyramids. I was alarmed the world mt come to an end bt not that the pyramids showed up on the other side of the globe and i was certainly surprized they slid to where i was at. That's what i can remember of the dream.
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Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right post to comment on, but on the night of 28th of April I had a hard time sleeping. During those moments when I’m trying to sleep but are still awake my mind tend to repeat some kind of wierd pretend-to-be-dream/words/scenario that I know aren’t from the reality but just my mind making things up, but while in that awake-sleep state my mind does that sometimes. Hard to explain. This happens now and then while trying, for many hours, to get to sleep. Happens very rarely. Anyway, that night my mind kept repeating these words: ”c-ryn” and ”pyramids”. I had been on this forum some time before I went to bed, so that’s a logic explanation as to why your forum-name was in my head @c-ryn, but since it kept repeating like that during the night and also had the word ”pyramids” in it I thought it might perhaps be important to share it since I read the different dreams shared here about pyramids at the time they were posted. I’m not sure if this is from God and I don’t have any clues to what it could mean. If led - take it to the Lord in prayer, otherwise discard it.
1 Thess 5:21-22 ”Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”
The pyramids remind me of Ancient Egypt, a pagan society. They were built as tombs for Pharoahs and had religious significance as well. So maybe it's pointing to an increase in paganism and occult practices as we move through the end times.