I once had a dream that I inherited $144,000. I was on the rolling hills of Israel plowing the land. The soil was rich and dark; soft and moist. It seemed to be the perfect soil to plant in. The task was not hard at all. I was at peace.
This was the second dream that I had of Israel even though I've never been there in person before. The other dream, "Israel, The Writing on the Wall."
I would appreciate any interpretations...
CLOTHED WITH THE PRESENCE OF GOD......From The Lord, Our God and Savior ......The Word of The Lord Spoken for "The Reflection" and for all those who have ears to hear.
Thus says The Lord to His servant: "The Reflection" lift up your head toward Heaven and embrace the prophet’s reward. For you have been chosen to stand up in the face of adversity and speak; to persevere through much persecution, to endure contemptible speech on every side, as you strike down all these abominations in My name. Fear not, for The Lord is your Shepherd;He will be your confidence and keep you safe from harm. Behold, in the day I send you, My presence shall overshadow you, with the glory of The Holy One of Israel shining through you in His strength.
Yes, this work is indeed difficult, service wrought with much heartache and pain, evil on every side. For many shall come forth from their hiding places to bar your way, in an attempt to halt your steps and squelch your spirit, even to take away your life.
Yet fear not, "The Reflection". For The Shepherd has complete authority, even over all these ravaging wolves... Behold, He shall scatter them before you in that day! And when it is finished, He shall strike them, and their hearts shall fail them for fear! From the resentful hearer to the outspoken mocker, both those near and those afar off, even to those unseen, ALL shall be made to shudder, ALL shall tremble in fear! For The King shall appear suddenly out of His place, coming forth in power and great glory, and He shall lay all His enemies waste, until every ravaging wolf lies down in death and every brute beast is utterly destroyed! Behold, He shall strike them down in the power of His might, and divide them asunder with the sword of His mouth, and burn up the residue with unquenchable fire!
My servant, even now there are many wolves lurking about, both seen and unseen, who wear the raiment of the sheep they seek to devour. For they are most insidious, ravaging whole flocks from within. Yet you and many more like you shall go out and gather together My lost sheep, and bring them to safety, and they too shall be hidden, even for a time and times and half a time. For those who have ears to hear will heed the sound of this Trumpet in that day, and come forth to drink. Lo, they shall be immersed in springs of living waters, no more blinded by the filthy veil which once covered their heads. And until that day, you also must drink. You must drink deeply and be fully immersed, reborn and remade, abiding in the Holy Place, going out and coming in, until you are fully clothed with the presence of God. And behold, your adornments shall be truth and wisdom...atop your head, you shall wear the helmet of salvation; Upon your brow, the seal of The Living God; and around your neck, you shall wear the gemstone...In your ears, the voice of YAHUWAH shall resonate; and in your eyes, a flame of fire, the reflection of The Most Holy who goes before you and dwells within you...
Over your shoulder, you shall bear the sash of your office; and upon your chest, the breastplate of strength, whereon is written the name of The Holy One of Israel; and about your waist, the belt of fortitude shall be securely fastened...In your right hand you shall carry the sword of truth, which is the Word of God, with which you shall strike the nations and cut down your enemies...in your left hand, the shield of faith, by which you shall quell every attack of the evil one...And behold, My servant, look down; Your feet rest solidly upon The Rock
And have been anointed with oil....Says The Lord God.
September 3,2019
After prayers I was resting on my bed in the presence of YahuShua.
SUDDENLY I heard a very loud trumpet blast.
It was right over me and in my face as it were.
YahuShua then said to me: I AM COMING.
Interpretation: "WHY I AM COMING"
THE WORD OF THE LORD SPOKEN BY YAHUSHUA .....For all those who have ears to hear, My Word......"You ask "WHY" calamities are coming upon you ? Here is MY answer to you......
"I have written The Law in the hearts of all men; all are able to discern right from wrong. Those who choose to rebel; they remain in their sins. I say to you, I shall surely correct and discipline all those I love, and upon this most wicked generation shall I pour out judgment...Yet as it is written, I will do nothing until I have revealed My plans to My servants, the prophets, such a one is My servant "The Reflection"..For I am The Lord, and I do not change.
For I have indeed written it, "even on tablets of stone" and "within the heart of man", And within the pages of My Book it is made plain; Thus you are without excuse...For I am God alone, The Righteous One...
I alone am holy, just and good; I alone have divided right from wrong; I alone have established The Law and define what is sin...Behold, I expose the darkness and bring all hidden things into the light; For I alone sit as Judge, The Only Faithful and True Witness.
Therefore let it be known to all peoples of the earth, and to all who dwell within the churches of men: I must bring My hand against you, I must correct and discipline all those I love.For you have gone astray; behold, from Me you are far removed. And with great malice you do always persecute those I send to you, rejecting the Word given to you, on account of your pride, persecuting them in word and by deed, stoning some and killing others.
Therefore in My jealousy I shall speak, and in the fire of My wrath I shall rebuke you! Behold, My wrath shall come forth and My judgment shall not sleep! For I am coming down to correct, to discipline and to punish, to pour out judgment upon the whole of this wicked generation!
Yet those who repent in sincerity and in truth will be delivered, and those who turn from their evil ways will be shown mercy. For I do not change, says The Lord.
Thus says The Lord: O you blind leaders of the blind, dumb people who attempt to speak to the deaf, you are lost. You fear I am coming to destroy you. I am not coming to destroy you, but to humble you, that you might be delivered from all this evil which encompasses you round about; I am coming to destroy that which stands against Me, to tear down all man has made!"
CHOSEN: Wife of YahuShua, Chief Witness, Chief Judge, and The High Priest in The Kingdom of YahuShua
1. Chosen and moved to the forefront of the 144,000 (Revelation Chapter 7) of the house of Levi, called by The Father on 12/7/2010 and sealed by Gabriel on 4/4/2013.
I was given a new name by God, "The Reflection" 1/18/18.
2. Chosen to serve as Chief Judge over all the judges in YahuShua's Kingdom 10/26/18
3. Chosen as The High Priest in YahuShua's Kingdom....representing His people 5/18/19
your servant , Wife of YahuShua "The Reflection" whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder.