"I have placed upon your head a crown of glory, for whosoever is sealed is protected under my wing of protection. Calamities of destruction is upon my world. Prepare the way of the Lord, for as lightning comes from the East, I will be too. Corruption coming for my lost sheep. The coming Antichrist brings famine, pestilence, he comes to kill, steal and destroy America the once great nation. Much destruction is coming for her. Be aware of your surroundings. Cataclysms of epic proportions. Corruption, greed, arrogance are not of me. I will lift thee up in the coming days when my angels surround thee to bring you home with me. The white horse rider is Obama, the Antichrist, the greatest deceiver who comes to kill, steal and destroy mine. I (spoken loudly) am King of all nations, Lord of all Lords of heaven and earth, all Kingdoms of the most high. Never shall there be a time like this again. I will reign forevermore for all eternity. Child of the most high God, I love you always there is no greater love than mine. YH".
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When Obama was first running for the office of President of the United States, it was difficult to see and hear him speak. I could turn the sound off and watch him, or I could listen to him and not watch him. But if I saw him and heard him at the same time, I became physically nauseous. I've never had that reaction to anyone.
When Obama won his first election as President of the USA, I wept. I have never wept over an election. I knew in my spirit the level of harm he would do to the USA. My spirit was deeply grieved.
I don't know if he is the Antichrist but I do know he plays a huge role in the destruction of America and establishment the one world government.
I was shown Obama was antichrist also. Increased hyper inflation on food. I dreamt a hamburger from fast food restaurant was $200.
thank you for sharing! I have also been shown about the destructions that are coming! HE is coming soon for HIS BRIDE!!! Get ready everyone!