Yesterday I questioned the Lord, why have you told people you were coming years ago? Many people have back sliddin because you haven't come back yet. His reply:
"It is I Yeshua who comes to you now. I am at the door, Sister Barbara is right. "Many do not know of me. I have given many warnings to draw in as many sheep as possible, still not enough time to get them all through my gate of holiness. My gate to heaven where no sin can enter in. My holies come to me freely, no rod pushes them through the gate. My gate is not of this world where calamities are going to take place of great proportions. A great upper atmospheric judgment is at hand for the left behind, the lost brethren will have to suffer my wrath just as it is written in the scriptures. Great is thy faithfulness virgins who have come freely unto me this day and forevermore. This is a day of rejoicing, lift up your head my time is drawing nigh to thee. I Yeshua is your shepherd. You, I and we are of one accord. Rejoice, I have given you all of my creation, I give it freely. Trust in me this day, my will for you is done just as it is written. Your bridegroom awaits, joyous times ahead. I love you, Yeshua Hamashiach of Nazareth".