hello everyone...my name is Tracy and i came to Christ one yr ago. In the early months i had 3 back to back flash visions. It was shocking to me at the time as ive hever experienced anything like that! Each flash was an old fashioned jar label, all identical in shape but each one said something different. 1st one said "blessed are you" , the 2nd said "strife amidst....stay calm" and the last one said " i am a sinner also"
would love your thoughts on them...especially the last one?!
What the jar labels remind me of, are the many jars that the widow woman who was about to have her house and son sold to pay her debt was told to borrow from her neighbors, and that she was to pour from one little jar of oil she had, until all the many other borrowed jars were filled, then she could sell the oil and pay her debt. About 3 years ago, I saw a vison of an 18 wheel red cab oil tanker truck, and I heard the words, "Sell the Oil". I felt this related to our desire to eventually get involved in the essential oils business, but having no money to get involved, and also not knowing which company to go with (we had narrowed it down to 2 of the top ones), we prayed and ask the Lord to provide the oil for us to sell, and to show us which company. Two years later, after 3 consecutive days of the Lord confirming to me the words, "As Kings and Priests, we are all worthy to receive the tithe", someone on facebook, who knew nothing of what we had been praying about for the last two years, out of the blue, sent me a message telling me that the Lord had told him to "tithe a business" to us, and it just happened to be one of the two essential oils companies we had been praying about getting involved in. Though the business has started slow, we believe it will eventually take off. May God guide you into all truth in Yeshua's name!
Thank you, Tracy, for sharing your visions. The last label was probably a reminder that we are all sinners saved by HIS grace, blood and sacrifice on the cross. The LORD keeps bringing this verse to my mind today:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9