Thank you so much Elizabeth for this site, where we can put things out there without fear of judgment. I had three dreams and have not mentioned them to anyone, because I have not received confirmation on them - but I'm just throwing them out there, in case they might mean something:
About a month ago I had a very quick dream - there was a window pane, I was on one side, and on the other side was a lady, a stranger to me - she looked up and smiled, tapped on the window and said, "are you ready? Nearly time to go!" End of dream. The reason I'm dubious about this dream is because it was an unknown female talking to me.
A couple of nights ago, I had a dream where I was above the earth, looking down on it, and I saw the Arabian Peninsular. A ball came down and smacked right into Central Saudi Arabia. I call it a ball because it was not on fire, like an asteroid or a comet, it was just a ball. It was like the scene was on rewind and play - I saw two or three times this ball hitting into Saudi Arabia, and the world shuddered. I know Saudi Arabia is in the scriptures, in Ezekiel 38 and Daniel - but those scriptures don't talk about any devastation falling on it, so please, take this dream with a large pinch of salt. The only reason I'm sharing this dream is because I have no logical reason I can think of to dream about Saudi Arabia, I have no connection with that place.
This is the whackiest dream of all - please don't laugh. Last night, I dreamed Todd White was preaching on Mount Hood. Please understand, I'm only vaguely aware that Mount Hood exists, I know nothing about it beyond that, remember I'm in Africa, not America. While he was preaching to people sitting on the mountain side, there was an earthquake. As everything began to violently shake, people were afraid and started to panic, shouting, "it's an earthquake!" Todd White was completely unafraid, he started laughing joyously, saying, "I know, it's my daddy, isn't he great?" and he wasn't at all afraid. I woke up with this wonderful feeling of deliverance from fear, and freedom - the weird thing about that is that I don't consider myself to be fearful, I look forward to the coming of the Lord, and we don't get many natural disasters in my country to be afraid of. It is one of the strangest dreams I've ever had. I do listen to the occasional Todd White sermon, but I haven't watched one in months and am not an ardent follower, so again, I can't think of a natural reason why I would dream about him, especially in the specific place, Mount Hood, which I have no connection to at all. Today I googled "mount hood todd white" and came up with nothing, so I really don't understand it.
These dreams are very possibly my subconscious mind just playing tricks, please don't judge :)
The earthquake could be the start of the great tribulation. The ones of God do not have to fear. So could be future dream, reassuring.