Over the last year believers and unbelievers alike have been seeing the number 444 everywhere. Yesterday a major event in my personal life was also stamped with the number 444. Since I was unsure of the true biblical meaning of 444 I decided to look into this question deeper.
What I learned was stunning. I normally don’t rush to make posts, but I believe this one may be a blessing.
I started off doing research in Google & YouTube. I saw many people sharing their constant visions of 444. Some seemed to belong to numerology groups saying 444 is a clear sign angels wants to talk to you. Others are believers saying 444 is the number of the Lord, and yet others are not believers in Christ who are simply hoping someone out there has a reasonable explanation to this phenomenon.
In some cases 444 was mentioned as a sign of the rapture and the Lord, in other cases 444 was mentioned as a sign of judgment, the anti-christ and it is also tied directly to Obama. In sum, there are many types of interpretations out there.
After seeing all these different testimonies I myself was confused. Quietly I said to myself “so what is it? Does 444 represent the judgment or the Lord?” Immediately I heard a quiet voice say “both”. I believe that was the Lord speaking to me.
Right away I remembered other examples where the same “thing” is either extremely positive or negative. For example:
1) For some the aroma of Christ is life, for others it is the opposite. It is written: For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. 2. Corinthians 2:15
2) Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. It is written: Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” Matthew 21:44
And so it is with the number 444! Depending on your relationship status with Christ 444 is either a symbol of life or death.
In order to understand that better I checked the roots of the Word. The number 4 in Hebrew represents the letter Daleth which symbolizes "the door". Jesus Christ is the door to heaven. Unless you go through Christ you will never enter into heaven.
So 444 can represent 3x an open door to heaven, but 444 can also represent 3x a closed door to heaven - depending on where you stand with Christ.
So if you remain unrepentant and the Lord is sending a prophet or something else to show you the number 444, he is telling you that due to your rejection of salvation you will fall into the hands of the anti-christ and his system, as part of God’s judgment on earth, for the door to heaven is closed to you. In this case 444 is a sign of judgment and a severe warning 3x times over.
However, if you are a believer and the Lord is showing you the number 444, for you personally, he is telling you to prepare for the rapture is at hand. It is supposed to be a sign of encouragement, joy and hope. He confirms this in His Word very clearly:
Ezekiel 44:4
“Then the man brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple. I looked and saw the glory of the Lord filling the temple of the Lord, and I fell face down.”
That just amazed me. Thank you Lord.
So the man (Son of Man=Christ) brought me by the way of the north (the sky) to the front of the temple (the throne room of the Father). I looked and saw the glory of God, and I fell face down. That is a prophetic vision of the future journey of the bride.
Now I do understand why so many believers and unbelievers are seeing the number 444 during these last seconds of the church age.
Indeed His ways are higher than our ways. Praise the Name of the Lord!
Even so, come Lord Jesus come!
Please pray for my family and my walk with Jesus Christ, to be pure and holy..