Hello! I had a dream recently. I was in my old home & I heard a noise coming from inside the walls of my house. I cut out a square in the wall and out came some kittens. I was thinking about keeping the kittens when I noticed 2 or 3 black adult cats with them. Just as I was wondering what to do with them my neighbor rang the door bell and I had a knowing they were hers. End dream. I feel like I’ve had a dream of this nature before and I was told it had to do with jealousy. Someone is jealous of me but both then and now I dont quite understand why or who. It’s someone close to me hence the neighbor. Thoughts? Thank you!!
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The neighbor was a chance for relief -- like if you'd been assigned to a committee and it was more than you wanted to do; then someone approached and said they wanted to take over.
She rang the doorbell -- not barging in, but hinting she was there if you let her in.
Dreams can help us prepare for decisions we'll have to make. I don't believe it's God saying, "You have to hand it over," but instead helps you see the scenario, and weigh it calmly.
Sometimes we tell others quick answers like, "Oh it's no problem, I'll handle it," then wish we hadn't spoken so soon.
Did you agree with the jealousy interpretation?
When I dream of pets, it's about responsibility growing and becoming overwhelming. (Usually stress dreams, not prophetic).
If applying that... cats are somewhat independent; parent cats might take on much of the responsibility themselves. Neighbor-owners make it even easier. So you found [someone/something] that needed taking care of; but before you could, others took it on.
Off topic, today I was hearing meowing and ran all over the house for a cat that might have sneaked in. I later realized it was the cat of a video channel host. :doh: Less to do, for me.
IRL I know someone who had to deal with feral cats with kittens in their house, because they'd cut a square in the wall for a dog door. Too similar! Lol. Don't go doing that.
Squares are rigid, symbolically rule-based. You cut into the protective structure to get them out-- you knew they couldn't live in there.