Hi All
This was a strange one I had recently, in two parts:
First I saw a dog taking shape, a large, fluffy, grey and white dog that looked quite like a husky. In its mouth was a pretty bunch of blue daisies. It was munching on the daisies, back and forth, and some of the blue flowers broke and fell away.
The next second I saw that instead of the dog, this time it was an old man in a white cap and shawl, with the bunch of blue daisies in his mouth. He was in side profile to me, sort of bending over to try to eat the daisies, a bit like how you eat a cob of corn from side to side, but his hands were tied behind his back so he had to really bite hard to secure a grip as he chomped away. Like with the dog, a few daisies broke away.
I did a quick google image check and confirmed the man I saw was the current pope, especially noticeable by his clothing.
Your interpretations are welcome!
Claire 🌼
Maybe the Pope will be "pushing up" dasies soon...! Dog is referenced by the deep state as a person who is going to be "permanately removed"...