Received 25 July 2019
I am the True God, the one and only God. I am Yahweh your Father who loves you and cherishes all His children. Come to me my children. Come gather round me as chicks gather around the hen. I am here to console you and hold you in these times ahead. I am not just a God to fear -full of wrath, showing might, but I am also meek and lowly- seeking rest for my children and bringing them to comfort and rest. Rest in me my children.
I see many stirred up in turmoil, in struggle, in anguish over what is to come, yet I am near and have not gone far from you. I will not suffer you more than need be. I bring rest and comfort to those who are truly mine. They will find shelter in Me. Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
I am the Humble Servant, I am not of a contrite spirit, sayeth the Lord- I am He who sits on the right hand of the Father, seeking mercy for the fatherless, seeking help for the widow and comfort to the poor. I am holding you close to me. Do you hear me speak? Do you hear my whispers of comfort my people? No it is not an easy time and it will only get rougher going as time unfolds before you. I however do not rest, I seek vengeance only on the evil but I give rest to those who do not claim to be strong but rather rely on my strength. I will uphold them, I will carry them through the times of Jacob's trouble and I will not rest. I will save my people- I will not let them go into the abyss for my wrath is not for my own, no, not for my own.
Therefore do not grow weary, do not stumble in darkness for I am the Light and I will shine it brightly forth for those who seek it. Like a moth to a flame, those who seek will surely find my light and I will give them strength and comfort through these times ahead. So come to me and I will give you rest.
Thus sayeth I Am, the Great God whom you serve. I am He who comes in the name of the Lord. The Lord of Hosts- Yahweh.
Peace be to you my children.
Thank you for sharing!