I dreamed about alligators 2 nights in a row ,I dreamed there was a dried up pond with green moss hardened on top but the pond seemed to be moving,someone said its alligators underneath but you can walk across it because they cannot break threw,,I ran across real fast not trusting it but everyone else went slow,we did this several times then I noticed my daughter walking across to slow and on her phone not paying attention, a alligator broke through and was creeping up on her and I yelled but she couldn't here me,I woke up. Next night I dreamed I was in a house with my husband hugging and holding hands and the house was part glass and part wood everywhere,the parts that were glass were filled with water and I could see alligators leaving behind the glass like a fish tank ,they watched me everywhere I went,I heard a voice say they can't get you or break thru the glass and I woke up
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Good point about daughter. Growing up with others dependent on phones, it's hard to grasp proceeding without.
You might want to ask family to unplug each night -- not just phones, but appliances that talk to each other. Cable boxes can transfer loads of data while off, and use up significant energy. Phones can too.
caught my attention, as I've seen other dreams where bodies of water represent masses of people, commerce, activity. I paused on answering bc I wasn't sure if this pond applied in the same way.
seems to be comforting/spongey, greenery sometimes shows financial... but even that was crusty. (Like a person's defense mechanisms.)
Pond dried up --
maybe like businesses or social orgs, slpr cells, gangs... after covid, that were said to have closed down. Bullies at school, online... bad influences. The risks still lurked.
It might also be a vulnerable area where you or your daughter repressed concerns, then they popped out again. It can be hard to talk to kids -- whether young or grown -- because the bond is so close, people get jumpy about being disrespected or controlled.
Her not hearing you --
like fear of never getting through so she'll understand. Her not wanting to learn from others' wisdom and experience.
If nobody talks about an issue, and it stays quietly hidden for months, then the months turn into years, and tension can increase.
Why alligators and not bears, lions --
They lurk quietly underwater, then chomp. They can run fast once they choose to.
Ancient prehistoric aspect, like longstanding resident of the pond that deserves to be there, but nobody wants it there.
Glass, wood
Glass is transparent, allows people to observe without getting involved or harmed.
Wood in dreams often shows manmade structures.
I noticed the theme of a hostile force trying to get through was true in both dreams . I see the connection between the image of a phone where we know there are hostile forces controlling and watching our every move as well as watchers in your house. Unity in your house between you and your husband may be keeping them out and your daughter may need prayer protection because she is so fixated on something that she may not realize the danger she is in. As in everything, take this up in prayer , but its what came to mind.