I heard this on 7/3/22 during my family's move but just found it and feel it is for now.
Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow! And the Spirit of the Lord says this day do not fear what is coming for I will cover you, MY CHILDREN, with my right hand while I swat the evil ones with My left. They shall oppress you no more. For what I say, goes.
Don't let them lie to you. Don't let them steal from you. Don't let them cheat you out of what is yours. Speak My truth and it shall follow you.
Dear children, I've brought you this far, haven't I? Then trust Me now in this hour for you are about to see a MIGHTY move of destruction and change. Trust Me, not what you see happening around you. Speak up for the weak in faith. They will need you to speak boldly for them. They will look to you on how to respond. They will look to you for help. And don't act on your own but allow Me to carve your path and bless you. Open your arms and heart to Me that I might bless you abundantly.
When you have need, ask and you shall receive. Where you lack wisdom, ask and I will provide understanding and guidance. Be open to My Holy Spirit by keeping praise and thanksgiving ever on your lips. Are you ready? Come to My side. Ready. Set. Pray.
I just shared the message I was given