A vision from a true man of God, 1/10/21
Gods words were given to me on the morning of this date. They are as follows:
Oh hearken unto me my children, for I speak of words that have been written. Professed words of destruction; and words of coming floods. Listen and take heed of what I have to say. For it would be well of you to hearken to my word. Many of the discussion on here are true to my word; quite pleased am I with this. However, some profess false words; and a perverse happenings, that I will turn against America. Why do you write these things, how wicked and untrue. You even add my Son your Lord, to these blasphemed words that have been written.
HERE ME NOW oh writers of these wicked sayings. NEVER would I give such a command; or even stake these ludicrous claims. For this nation was created by my hand. My authority was given to those whom brought it forth. Persevere are theses works you proclaim. For they are of your doing and not of mine. You bring them from your emotions. You seek not MY true word. Stop this what your doing; or judgment will be put upon your heads. They are statements of your own murmurings. Not mine or your Lords. Read and take heed from the words of this upright song.
O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain, America, America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea. “America the Beautiful”
THESE are my word. THIS is what I proclaim. I shed my grace on thee. Oh beautiful is this land, home of the free. America is the leading nation of free world. The land of the brave I do bless.
Then this I will add to you. Do you not remember the great battles that were fought; and what they carried on there shoulders. The standard and the emblem of what this nation represents. The flag of the red white and blue. The standard of freedom to the Republic that I have set forth. The flag that Betsy made. Take heed and read these words.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. “The Pledge of Allegiance”
Then there is the Constitution, the governance of this free nation. Is it not written of these words within it: “In God We Trust.” And what of the battle that were fought in the fields; and what had taken place. Do you not realize the lives lost, the blood, the sweat, and the tears of war. Oh how brave those men were. They are and will be remembered for what they did. Oh how faithful, heroic, and true they were unto me. Take heed to the writings of this song.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on. Glory Glory Hallelujah; Glory Glory Hallelujah; Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; His truth is marching on. “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Then another prophetic word that I add unto you. Do you not realize what you are doing, The fear, the fright that you are adding to the hearts of men. Do you think that this is what I would promote? To led my children astray? These foolish words that you are writing, they are the works of Ikisat, the evil serpent whom tempted Eve. They are wrathful words liken unto Satan. The liar, the hater, the destroyer of mankind.
Listen NOW to these words I proclaim to you. Take heed to true attention. If anything should happen to my children, if lead away, failing of hearts, or even death. For these lying words that you promote will land upon your very heads. The sorrow and the death that may become of this, will be of your own doing. You will have passed judgment on yourselves; and my truth will hune you down.
One more thing that I will add for my final word; consider the harvest of souls and the gathering of my righteous. Even of the rapture and the tribulation that will take place. How do you think this can occur if destruction was to come upon this land? I say unto thee that it would not and cannot occur. This should be enough to show you what is true. Even to prove to you of your evil writings. Pray to your Lord Jesus; and see what He says if these words and if they are true. For I know what He will say. Choose whom ye will serve this day is what I say.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost...Amen
The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth;....
Click on anyone of these links to hear, see and read about The Truth Of Jesus Christ, Who Is God! If you Believe in any thing else other than this Truth, then these websites are especially for you! in the latter end times God said in His Holy Bible that Apostasy will reign supreme in all of His Churches! Well if you Believe in any other doctrine than what these websites are peaching then you may be under The Strong Delusion and your mind may be clouded by Apostasy, because there is only One Truth and One way into heaven and that way is through belief and repentance unto The Lord God Jesus Christ so;......... Believe and Repent because all else is futile!
must say, i disagree with this... america, as well as the entire planet will come under judgment. we pray for mercy and things to be easier for us all out there, but we cannot stop God.
I believe you partially contradict yourself here, in that if a nation turns too far away from God, He can decree judgement/destruction on it. He would do so through His prophets. This has happened to Israel, His special possession, when it turned too far from Him. He has changed His mind, like when He asked Jonah to decree His judgment on Assyria and the Assyrians repented, so that the judgement was avoided. These words of destruction can be words of warning meant to turn the people back to Him. We do need to be careful about not listening to the wrong thing, but I do not think many words and dreams on this forum are meant solely to provoke fear.
@lotanu when a Loved one dies and their ghost appears to their living-loved ones from the dead, is that really that person visiting them from the dead???