A dear brother in the LORD, David James, received this message last Sunday at church. I feel it is an important message to share with all those who are AWAKE!
"Those who have ears let them here, the sun is setting on this dispensation and a new sun will arise , My son Jesus.
The light of the world, the SAVIOR to all who will receive him. The earth is moaning and groaning and cracks are appearing all over, the center is swaying like a drunkard causing the poles to shift.
Soon all you know will FAIL, the banks, the law, the armies, and the electricity. All you will have is ME.
The time of preparations is over, Brace yourselves, the impact of the end is upon you! "
I believe I posted this somewhere else recently. But, this vision was from a very long time ago:
24 Hours to Leave the Major Cities:
A vision of men having warm beer in a candle-lit bar. At this time, there is no electricity and the government is not operating. (Reasons not given.) They pay cash and leave. But, as they exit a man robs the bar. They fight him themselves, no police.
When they exit the bar, dusk is falling and there is mayhem. A woman screams as if being attacked. A man runs down the street holding something under one arm. Another man runs down a cracked sidewalk, pushed up in one place. He turns up a steep hill, uses cracked concrete stairs to climb. A group of angry men chase him.
The noises of trouble waft in from all directions, near and far.
The men from the bar stare in shock.
A voice as from an angel cuts in over the scene, “Tell the people: When they see these things, they have 24 hours to leave the major cities.”