Received on 4 January 2020
My people, my children, now is the time to be battle ready. Are you battle ready? Are you clothed with righteousness and is your armour on?
Praise the Lord all you peoples that have breath, beat the drums of war- they have sounded- the trumpets blow, for the God of Zion is risen. The Lord of Lords is standing on Mount Zion, his armies gathered with Him on His left and His right. Together they will battle and together they will wage war against the enemy.
All the earth will tremble at the feet of the Lamb. All the earth will see and know the one who they mocked, cursed and spat upon. All the earth will fear His name and rue the day they chose to turn away from the true Messiah and go their own wicked ways.
Woe to the enemies of Mount Zion, woe to the enemies of Israel. For the Lord your God is come to shatter the wicked, split apart the earth- destroying mankind and his wicked ways from the face of the earth.
No justice was given the Messiah as he was nailed to the cross. No goodness or mercy was shown to the Lamb, the true Servant - the Living God, no instead justice was done to him and to his people.
Thus says the Lord of Hosts, I come with fury, anger and might. I am the Just Judge - I am the one whose Son was slain and I am returning with an iron rod. Correcting those who have strayed, and punishing the wicked for their accursed ways.
I am the Truth, the Way and the Life. My light shines forth upon this earth but the wicked never dare to look upon the Lamb, they dare not call for his help for they know their end, they know their fate for they have chosen it.
I declare this day that my return is imminent. It will come soon, I will return as a thief in the night. You will all be caught unawares.
Where are my children hiding? Come out I say! It is time to shine. No more delay, no more shame or tears. No, now is the time to stand firm and stand tall for your faith, for what will I find when I return? Who will be by my side when I come again?
I am watching and waiting. Follow me, all of you who seek me will surely be found by me. I do not turn away from those whose hearts are pure.
Stand guard, stay awake! The hour has come for the deliverance of my people, my bride. My hand will stay no longer. No, I am done with the evil, I am tired of all the wickedness and filth on this earth. Watch and see me wash it away. I will come to cleanse the earth and I no longer will delay.
Be of good cheer, my loved ones. I do not come with wrath for you but rather I will shelter you under my wings. For I am Yahweh your God and King whom you serve. You will dwell in my hiding place - you will seek shelter and I will provide.
Thus says the Lord of Hosts, God the Father, God the Son and by my Holy Spirit says the Lord.
[Then I also heard]:
Glory to the God of Israel.
I had a dream last week in which I was told he is coming referring to the Anti Christ , we all need to be ready now