I had been dreaming about 2 weeks ago when , what I remember was, my husband and I were on a sinking boat and some of the church people were on boat that was a float. They along with myself worked hard at and finally influenced my husband to get off the sinking boat onto the one a float.
Then the next thing I remember is that we were on the boat somewhere south and looked northward and a large explosion and cloud like a mushroom cloud came up out of the north and suddenly a bear's face came from out of the cloud roaring and almost immediately following three smaller explosion on the left and two on the right of the large explosion, all three small explosions and clouds having the face of panda bears coming out of each and the dream ended!
I am not convinced as to what the boats mean but am pretty sure the bear is Russia and pandas are either China or three asian countries!
I also had the thought of Russia and China before I read that you believe the same. I think the sinking boat could represent America and the floating boat is Jesus the ark of rescue (since there were Christians on the boat). Question. Is your husband a believer?