I dreamed I was invited to a outdoor picnic with a beautiful table set with white table cloth fancy dishes sitting on a beautiful hill with green grass and trees,down from the hill was a beautiful lake or pond, I was told to take a seat and I recognized the people at table,ministry people and a few friends,Billy Graham stood up and said I will go around the table and one at a time tell me what your doing for the Lord?each person responded and when it got to me I said I guess I have dreams? I felt alittle awkward,and he said with a loud authority voice,,,"I didn't ask what your gift was I asked what your doing for the lord!!he pointed go the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few,pray to the lord of the harvest to send out workers. Then one by one everyone at table ran down the hill and jumped into the water,I noticed they were splashing and laughing and had supernatural joy come upon them,I was smiling and happy for them but was only one left at table,then I saw Billy Graham wife roll up her sleeves and began to remove the dirty dishes and clean table,I started helping her clean and as I picked up dishes she put her hand on my hand and smiled and said no this is my job,I slowly walk down hill but stopped,I then heard my first born son who is grown man now say mom ?i turned around he took my hand and we ran togather and jumped in the water,currently my son is not serving or really know Jesus
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Convicting! Graham worked in an era where people sacrificed so others would have what they need -- spiritual and physical. His legacy carried farther with Franklin, who coordinates a massive effort toward storm relief, medical missions, Christmas boxes and more.
The last few decades have been very self-focused -- and dream interpretation tends to be individualized. Not that it was wrong, or lesser-- but maybe God's timing to build up people internally, before they extended care to others in need. And to teach us to pray for others when we are given dream-insight on situations.
So neat that your son joined you in the dream! That is a big part of it, IMO.... having hope to hold onto.
The last few years I've prayed about why I'm doing less obvious for-the-Lord work. An immediate answer always comes back, that there are needy people in my family right now, and if I ignore those, there is little sense in getting involved elsewhere. Timing.
"Pray to the lord of the harvest to send out workers." We don't have to do it all. God responds to our prayers, and sends out the workers, some of whom are us. Graham was certainly a do-it-all kind of guy, and I hear he had that personality, as well as heart for evangelism.
We can put ourselves out there in little ways --keeping peace on social media, showing Christian expression that differs from others' assumptions, posting God's Word for others to reflect on.
I find God gives me subtly prophetic things to do online, that will quietly reach people who skim past my posts. It may tie in with daily news, short quotes, verses, preparing for what's ahead, supporting justice and fair policy.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Good news, we have amazing access to His kingdom!