When my nephew was diagnosed with bone cancer at 16 years old my sister started him on chemotherapy. It worked for awhile but than he experiencing much difficulty. The doctor decided to give a stronger dose of chemotherapy but he had gotten extremely ill and an ambulance was called. Later on that day my nephew told my sister that he saw Jesus and that Jesus told him that it wasn’t his time yet and that he had to go back. The doctors also told him that most likely he wouldn’t be able to have kids. He now has four beautiful children. My nephew was in a severe car accident and went into a coma. The doctors said that it was sever and most likely that he wouldn’t come out of it for at least six months or more. My sister and I prayed that night. He awoke screaming the following morning told all the nurses that Jesus came to him and that He had laid his hand on his forehead and told him to wake up. They were all shocked!! When I found out that I had breast cancer I became extremely frightened. I shouted out to God “Thy will be down and I placed it all into His hands. Immediately upon saying that I felt an indescribable calmness fall upon me and I knew that I’d be okay. That was over nine years ago and I’m in remission and doing great. After my divorce I became bitter and angry at God and walked away from my faith for over seventeen years. I would always cry out to God but just couldn’t return. One day I felt the His call. I went to a charismatic Holy Spirt Session and on the last day as I was praying I felt a forceful electrical surge upon my neck and felt two hands pull my head backwards. I knew that I was experiencing the force of the Holy Spirit. It lasted for over an hour. Words cannot describe the feelings that I experienced afterwards. Ever since that day I’ve fallen in love with my Lord and Saviour Jesus and I am extremely thankful for Him allowing me to experience this wonderful gift. Praise God for He is good!!
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Thanks for your testimony of so many life rescues! He is certainly good to us!
When you see and hear with new eyes and follow the spirit of truth and love, when you see wars rumors of wars and the signs therefore know that the wedding is near, Put on your wedding attire, the full.armor,Repent and be born again and you will be born again. LOVE GOD YOHEYVAHEY I AM WITH ALL your heart ,mind and soul. FEAR NOT WE WILL LIVE AGAIN AND NEVER DIE.ONLy the lost in hate and unforgiveness burn by his light,fire where we are all of the light not the darkness, Faith like David is all we need. Learn to stand together united in his word and promises. JZ Rev7-17 and Isaiah 22-22 One like. His last faithful servant. Shabot Shalom JZ of the Z generation last generation. Last for sins world. It's been Defeated and is getting kicked out. So all who follow, will follow. Amen. I pray you all repent and be reborn in Yeshua Ben Joseph Jesus Of Nazareth. I am