As an experiment, I tried repeating to myself: "I am receiving a symbolic prophetic dream from god that I will remember" as I fell asleep. I went on to have a dream where i was in a town in the utah desert (either moab or st george) in a vacation house with my family. Out the window we saw a volcano erupt, and my family members became thrilled that we were blessed with the opportunity to see an active volcano as they started filming it. I had to warn everyone that we needed to leave quickly before the lava reached us. For some reason, I emphasized the need to remain calm and organized. I then prayed today for some sort of confirmation that it wasn't just my subconscious. Within about 20 minutes of that prayer I was watching a clip on youtube about the drones in nj, and youtube autoplayed a random low view count geological video about volcanoes in eastern washington. It seemed like confirmation to me, so I decided to make this post here. On the interpretation: I feel strongly this dream isn't predicting a literal volcano but is instead symbolic. I believe it predicts a catastrophic event that will become a spectacle. Rather than responding and seeking shelter following the event, people will instead simply see the event as "cool" and will be filming it and having viewing parties. They won't take it seriously but instead will see it as entertainment.
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Volcanoes brew under the surface for decades, even centuries. Then suddenly pressure finds a release point, steam flies out, and rocks defy gravity. Toxic dust blankets whole areas.
(Compare dream-tornadoes, that stir up out of nowhere.)
Countries plan long-term for expansion, sometimes overtaking innocent or unsuspecting countries.
Many nations' economies are seriously in trouble, but have been skillful at floating finances in a way that allows citizens to live comfortably.
US debt is over 36 trillion (12/19/2024). Instead of releasing the pressure over time and tightening belts, financial practices created more ways to float money, print currency unbacked, write contracts that double-dip where the money appears to sit.
For several administration terms, experts talked about painful correction needed, but steps were not taken. Politicians and others held onto their jobs a few more years, let the next person be blamed. Now cryptocurrency can fudge even more (some want it to reset everything).
Chart of recent rapid increase
Hyperinflation is known to be the next step. (Eggs this week are 10 times what I paid five years ago.)
The next elected US president has been finding extensive ways to decrease debt, set up authority in states, and manage inevitable chaos. But it will probably come as a painful burst, followed by more consequences. It looks like he's not afraid to be the one blamed for popping the balloon. Moving rocks from the volcano opening.
We ask our heavenly Father, and He answers. It is two-way communication with a real person-hood, who wants us to stay connected with Him.
Preachers promoted declare-for-results for a few decades. That may work, but it's more valuable to stay in tune with our Father, than to be one step ahead in knowing. For some of us, it can be a craving to know more and more, which is never satisfied. To be prepared for anything, when He wants us to depend on Him, exercising faith.
That's been a theme in things I'm seeing, too. Including decade-old dreams that relate to the drones.
There was one vid of a beautiful circular drone with lights streaming down like rain ... it looked so much like a dream I'd had of mssls raining down.
That dream had a boat people cheered as it landed (like mothership)... then rose high into space as wpns. Residents welcomed what brought us destruction, and in the dream, the administrations we relied on couldn't be accessed. Shut doors, unresponsive.