About 4 months ago, I dreamed about being on a military plane looking at a world map. This map had red pins for all the areas that had been infected by whatever sickness was in this dream. Then the pilot of the plane began to vomit blood and the plane started going down, and then I woke up. This has been on my mind since the coronavirus popped up, and then I found this article saying that there have been reports of the mutated strain causing people to cough up blood. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/coronavirus-doomsday-blood-coughing-victims-21356120
Then last night, I dreamed I was at an airport and there was a robot scanning a little girls eye for the infection. She was positive, and I knew she was scared so I had to talk to Trump. This is the weird part.... I began passing through walls and ceilings to get to his office. I would walk up to a wall and a hole would open and after I passed through, I would wave my hand to close it. Once I got to Trumps office, he was in quarantine himself...like a safeguard, not because he was infected. Then I asked him to help and knelt beside his desk and began to pray that he would do the right thing... He then decided the little girl could be quarantined with her mother instead of alone. After that, the people around me who I knew were beginning to get sick and be quarantined. Then I woke up. Just found it interesting and thought I would share.... Stay healthy and pray for the people in Wuhan, as well as the rest of the world!
Usually a dream with a president or high official in it is a prophetc dream. I am not sure what it means except that the President knows that this is extremely contagious, and that is why he quarantined himself.
Walking through walls means that it was your spirit and not your body that visited him somehow. Maybe in a dream.