Woke up from a dream that had a vision inside of it. I was crossing a field of grass to get to the street but before I could I think I got attacked by 15 or 20 fast solar flairs or some red balls( fireballs) with a red stream(because they were flying so fast) they all exploded very close to me but did no damage( I think god was just trying to show me) well as I was getting across the street I was panicking because a car was coming band I didn’t want to get hit but the dream flipped to me being in pastors Paul car(at faith family church) and he was bringing me to a safe place.when I got in the car I started explaining to him “you might think I’m crazy but the rapture and tribulation is real and soon” and he responded saying” I know that also” then I said their are prophets also but then he responded with a sense of confusion and said “ I don’t know about that” then after I responded with “ I have to believe them now because it just happened to me.” My mom soon came out the building with my baby nephew and was talking about a man that who is a dad of one of my friends but his for some reason his name was “Stan” instead of his actual name. Then my mom was talking about how he got attacked(raped)????? Somewhere.The sky was also white but had a whole in it and a ball of white light in front of the hole in the clouds( in the dream i had a real good look at it)
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