I dreamt last night that i was waling through fields and they were empty, just muddy fields with a sense of nothing growing and a feeling of emptiness. This morning i picked up my bible and God has been prompting me to read Jeremiah however i have not finished it. I opened my bible randomly asking for a word and it fell open on Jeremiah again (i should just take the hint and read it but am struggling to concentrate and finish it!) Also the chapter Jeremiah was open on was 'Grievous famine'. This may be a sign but pray and take it to the lord. It seems he has been warning many others about a famine.
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This guy is also very good:
10 Best Survival Foods to Buy Today (And One Bonus) - YouTube
I just want to bring this prophetic dream to our attention. This is a warning for us all to get ready for the shortages that are coming now. We must be the light in the darkness and be able to provide for others in this time of need. most people are asleep however will have no choice but to wake up very soon.
The people i follow for great info include:
40 Books PREPPERS must OWN before a COLLAPSE - YouTube
$20.00 FOOD PREP at Aldi – Budget Prepping - YouTube
Biden: "Food Shortages Real" - Bird Flu PCR - PFAS closes farms - YouTube
Last night i had a dream i was stood in a Que for a Sunday carvery, however i could not get a big enough plate, only small ones were available despite everyone else having a full plate, it felt like every man for himself. Then i was served however when i turned my back my full plate was gone, someone had stolen it. I went to the front of the Que again however the man serving would not let me have another plate so i had no food. It felt like the world will be fed but not genuine Christians as the people filling their plates appeared quite reprobate.
i had a vision this morning on waking of large locusts, i thought nothing of it however i remembered this dream.
https://youtu.be/4v5MkALqTeY Yes, 2014 was the beginning of 7 years of plenty. We're now transitioning into the 7 years of famine til The End. https://youtu.be/6YtG0etke28
Ice Age Farmer's channel explains the famine and the shortage of CO2 for our water infrastructure: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI-Am0t4qQaP_Do9FwMWw3Q/videos
God has not specifically told me of this, or given me a dream or vision of famine. Just dreams of destruction in various places which has gotten my attention. I get more a "sense" of coming danger along with what I see in the news, (bees, GMOs, floods, fires, etc.) as well as seeing rising prices, reduced package sizes, fewer specials especially the last two years. My latest sense was a water issue, perhaps drought or contaminated water or both. Stay close to God, do what you can to prepare, either for yourself or others. Find local farmers and buy from them to keep local supply chain strong as long as possible! Blessings!
I have received the same word from the Lord, from Jeremiah, 3-4 weeks ago.
The Master's Vineyard....I am Coming. After prayers this morning as I lay upon my bed....."Considering"......suddenly I heard a loud tapping on what seemed to be a glass window. It was YahuShua, and He said to me, "Stay alert, awake, I am coming."
The Vineyard.....From The Lord, Our God and Savior....The Word of The Lord Spoken For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear. Thus says The Lord: Peoples of the earth, I had sent to you The Messiah, The Sower of the seeds of salvation. Yet to you, He has become an object of scorn and His words cause for disdain. For you do always contend with Me, a most arrogant and deceived people who revile My Word and reject My Commandments, saying, “I answer to no one, nor to any god. I am who I am, and I go my own way.” For truth has perished among you; it has altogether been cut off from your mouth. Therefore are the pleasant fields left desolate, and the peaceful pastures laid waste, for there is no latter rain. For the heart of this generation has turned against Me. Their consciences are defiled as they embrace every evil thought and intention, a base people lost in their own bitterness, who turn justice into wormwood and cast righteousness to the ground. My vineyard has produced wild grapes!.
Behold, roots of rottenness plunge deep, as great vines of wickedness reach unto the ends of the earth!...Therefore I must break down the walls, and tear out the hedges, and destroy all these briers and thorns...I must tread them down, until nothing remains!... Says The Lord. Therefore thus says The Lord to the oppressor, to the haughty, the high-minded and the hypocrite: Mankind shall be cast down! I shall throw down the kingdoms of men and bring terrible judgment upon the wicked! The oppressor shall be cut in pieces and the haughty broken, the high-minded abased and the hypocrite put to shame! Thus the prideful shall in no wise escape the Day of The Lord, and the insolent shall be left to wallow in the darkness of their own understanding. For all the children of disobedience must walk through the valley, to the shedding of many tears. For as it is written: There shall be wailing in the public squares, and in every street they shall cry, “Woe is me! Woe is me!” They shall summon the farmer to mourning and call for the skillful lamenters to wail on their behalf. And in all vineyards, there shall be wailing. For I shall surely pass through, says The Lord.
Chief witness of the 144,000 named by God “Reflection.