In my dream I found myself in Los Angeles (but I actually live in Texas).
Everyone knew a big tsunami was coming and we were all running inland to seek a safe place. However, there was something different going on. As we were running our main goal was not to escape the coming waters, we were on a race to make it over "to the other side". The best way I can explain it is by picturing one of these folding bridges over water canals. When a ship comes that is too tall they raise the bridge and it splits in two. Half of the bridge ends up pointing to the sky on one side, and the other half on the other side. Well, that is kind of what was happening to California. We were running trying to make it to the east side of the split as the land was rising. We had to get to the other side before the gap was too big and we would not have been able to cross anymore. I knew in my dream that the west side of California was going to slide into the ocean.
I checked the Bible to see if there was any scripture about the land rising and the going down into the ocean. The closest scriptures I could find are in the book of Amos:
Amos 8:8 and Amos 9:5 describe the same event:
The Lord, the Lord Almighty— he touches the earth and it melts, and all who live in it mourn; the whole land rises like the Nile, then sinks like the river of Egypt.
That is a great verse, as confirmation to your dream. Nostradamus prophesied many events thousands of years ago that have come to pass and I think he also has for the West Coast of America falling into the ocean due to a massive Earthquake. Many people have been given dreams and visions regarding this as well. California has many fault lines and is due for a very large Earthquake soon. I am shown many visions from the Holy Spirit as well during these end time days. Glory to God in the Highest! The Blood of Jesus is our great protector and deliverer.