I go to a place that I was told, I will know somebody new, but I didn't like. And in order to return to where I live, I needed a purse and a chair that connected with a vehicle that can transport me to where I wanted to go. But the purse was in a classroom, and the room was full, they were eating and studying at the same time, they were entering and leaving the room. And two women were coming out of the room one telling the other are you going to eat and the other said that did not want to eat or was going to eat later, not sure. The purse was at the door, hanging. And a teacher talk to me, don't remember what she said. I get out the classroom whith the purse and the chair and I get to the transport and I got transported where I was living and my brother in law ask me if I like the person and I said no, and he was going to present me another person, I got transported again and I did not like the person. And said to my self, I am going to do it alone, and was transported again to a parking. Enter to a store and I like it because was clean and organize, I keep walking and there is an exit, I see a person coming out and handsome man enter, I keep walking, see another exit and I realized that exit was a shoping mall. there are diferent stores and people dress very elegant. I saw a man that looks like John Paul, but don't remember if he talk to me. I keep walking at the end of the mall was an exit and I see this women in a low cut dress in red, and I new they did not wear anything under. I follow where they are going outside the mall to a black canopy. there were many women dress the same dress, practicing a dance. Then I see this room like a theater. I see this stage and in the wall, like a black courtain, I see the image of Jesus Christ ( the image that catholics use with the hart in his hands) and they have music, then this couple dancing and the man is dancing with the woman and giving her circles, and I knew when the man give circles to the woman they can see her naked and I look the image again and I said blasfemy and I get out and a man talk to me If I needed help, not sure, and I keep walking outside the mall, walking fast, but not so fast that the man notice I was not from the place. I look up and I see this object that I never see before, that I new could be ours or from aliens then at the right side i see this other object a rectangle with white lights, but I don't know what it is. Then I see this shadow that looks like a rocket and I can see his trajectory and I know when hit earth it is going to explode and a scream is a bomb. And I hug my self, I closed my eyes and a bright white light covers me, thinking transportme.
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When carrying a purse, we keep things we don't want others to see or take. It is our personal container.
Makeup increases confidence, keys make us feel in-control. Notes to feel organized and prepared. Tissue to mop up crud, earplugs, hair clips... everything we'll need to feel our best selves.
Not being able to reach the purse, might show that you are so busy taking care of other people's agendas (as women do), that you are separated from your own plans and ideas.
Once when out of town, I went into an urban gallery, and the desk people insisted I leave my purse with them. Homeless people wandered outside the door, and the staff kept flitting off, leaving the desk, so it didn't feel safe at all.
Inside purse I had phone, passport, IDs, credit cards, address book, a camera, keys, passwords... almost all my valuables could have been stolen in the five minutes I'd planned to walk through. My entire identity was at risk. I was so insecure, I left my friends to get my purse back. It felt like staff didn't care if my life fell apart.
Students were consuming and learning (gaining, taken care of), while you were desperate to simply get the purse and go.
A place people make choices, often to improve their appearance, or get provisions. In this mall, elitism made others feel out of place.
Similarly, chairs aren't usually attached to cars. Drivers confidently sit in the driver seat and control where they go. You weren't even allowed backseat driver status, but had to be tacked on.
You didn't get to choose the person, and you didn't like the person. Another situation where others made the decisions for you. (I just had one of those weeks.)
You saw others behaving badly, in the limelight, when you'd been faithfully decent and honest.
They used the classic image of Jesus to sanctify whatever they felt like doing, and boldly presented on stage. You could see through their ungodliness.
DANCERS make me think people IRL are collaborating over something they shouldn't be doing in a church (like running a pyramid scheme, embezzling, etc.). It would be good to pray for churches you're connected to. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead your prayers, give you insight on what needs prayer. (And don't be afraid to visit new churches.)
The first half of the dream sounds like competitive people were pushing you around, making it seem like they were in charge of religious things, and you had to obey them. But you were more connected to God, spiritual, set apart; and they were putting on a show, covering up their own greed, clamoring for attention.
You have God's power within you, which makes you a force to contend with. You don't need to be pushed around by people you don't respect, or jump through hoops to get their approval. They didn't deserve respect.
If you have a couple hours.... this Between Sisters show had (purse/mall) similarites: