I had a dream and a lady from my church asked if I wanted some sweet tea and I said yes but was thinking what was that,also a man was there and I asked him what's your job and he said rescuing canoes that were stuck in the mud. any idea what this means thanks.
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I had a dream the other night that I was pulling people out of the mud. I believe it means to preach the gospel to those who are mired in sin.
Sweet tea is southern, and when I've heard it mentioned, there seems to be a big deal in offering friends their best version of it. Hospitality, refreshment. I've had it and wow it's too sweet for me; that also might show overdose of kindness.
Rescuing canoes reminds me of the current situation with Haiti. Just announced, refugees will be screened at Guantanamo Bay.
Canoes are independent modes of transit, wobbly unless the waters are calm and paddler is experienced. They capsize more easily than newer boating options.
The man at your church (dream) had accepted responsibility for the waterlogged. I'm guessing that involves paperwork for immigration, housing for refugees. It might not necessarily be Haitians, but that's what came to mind.