A few weeks ago had a dream that I was going to a wedding and all the other ladies were there putting on their dresses getting ready for the wedding. When it was my turn to try on my dress they told me that they had a size 12 dress for me. Knowing before I tried on the dress that I was no size 12 but I tried the dress on anyway. I could almost fit the dress but it was too small. I was with a few other ladies that I did not know but they were to take me to a store called Bargain Time to go and purchase a dress for me to wear to the wedding.(a store I have never shop at before only knew about the name of it because of my mother in law mention it was a store she shop at sometime ago) The ladies I was riding with they were doing everything except take me to the store to get my dress to wear to the wedding. I began to get a little frustrated because it seems that they were not concern about getting me to the place where I needed to go. I told them it is 9:30 and Bargain Time closes at 10:30 so I have to get there before they close and I woke up.
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